Benedetti, Giovanni Battista de, Io. Baptistae Benedicti ... Diversarvm specvlationvm mathematicarum, et physicarum liber : quarum seriem sequens pagina indicabit ; [annotated and critiqued by Guidobaldo Del Monte]

Table of figures

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[Figure 291]
[Figure 292]
[Figure 293]
[Figure 294]
[Figure 295]
[Figure 296]
[Figure 297]
[Figure 298]
[Figure 299]
[Figure 300]
[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
[Figure 311]
[Figure 312]
[Figure 313]
[Figure 314]
[Figure 315]
[Figure 316]
[Figure 317]
[Figure 318]
[Figure 319]
[Figure 320]
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