Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              ledge from the Sacred Books they would not, in my opinion, have
              ſpoken ſo little thereof, that it is as much as nothing, in compa­
              riſon of the infinite admirable Concluſions, which in that Sci­
              ence are comprized and demonſtrated Nay, that the Authours
              of the Holy Volumes did not only not pretend to teach us the
              Conſtitutions and Motions of the Heavens and Stars, their Fi­
              gures, Magnitudes, and Diſtances, but that intentionally (al­
              beit that all theſe things were very well known unto them) they
                < n="marg823"/>
              forbore to ſpeak of them, is the opinion of the Moſt Holy & Moſt
              Learned Fathers: and in S.
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              we read the following words.
                <emph type="italics"/>
              (c) It is likewiſe commonly asked, of what Form and Figure
              we may believe Heaven to be, according to the Scriptures: For
              many contend much about thoſe matters, which the greater pru­
              dence of our Authors hath forborn to ſpeak of, as nothing further­
              ing their Learners in relation to ableſſed life; and, (which is
              the chiefeſt thing) taking up much of that time which ſhould be
              ſpent in holy exerciſes. </s>
              <s>For what is it to me whether Heaven, as
              a Sphere, doth on all ſides environ the Earth, a Maſs ballanced in
              the middle of the World; or whether like a Diſh it doth onely cover
              or overcaſt the ſame? </s>
              <s>But becauſe belief of Scripture is urged for
              that cauſe, which we have oft mentioned, that is, That none through
              ignorance of Divine Phraſes, when they ſhall find any thing of this
              nature in, or hear any thing cited out of our Bibles which may ſeem
              to oppoſe manifeſt Concluſions, ſhould be induced to ſuſpect their
              truth, when they admoniſh, relate, & deliver more profitable matters
              Briefly be it ſpoken, touching the Figure of Heaven, that our Au­
              thors knew the truth: But the H. </s>
              <s>Spirit would not, that men ſhould
              learn what is profitable to none for ſalvation.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg823"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              (c) Quæri etiam
              ſolet, quæ forma &
              figura Cæli cre­
              denda ſit ſecun­
              dum Scripturas
              noſtras: Multi e­
              nim multum diſ­
              put ant de iis rebus,
              quas majori pru­
              dentia noſtri Auto­
              res omiſerunt, ad
              beatam vitam non
              profutur as diſcen­
              libus, & occupan­
              tes (quod prius eſt)
              multum prolixa,
              & rebus ſalubri­
              bus impendenda
              temporum ſpatia.
              <s>Quid enim ad me
              pertinet, utrum
              Cælum, ſicut Sphæ­
              ra, undique conclu­
              dat Terram, in
              media. </s>
              <s>Mundi mo­
              le libratam; an
              eam ex una par­
              te deſuper, ve­
              lut diſcus, ope­
              riat? </s>
              <s>Sed quia de Fide agitur S cripiurærum, propter illam cauſam, quam non ſemel commemoravimus, Ne ſcilicet
              quiſquam eloquia divina non intelligens, cum de his rebus tale aliquid vel invenerit in Libris Noſtris, vel ex illis
              audiverit, quod perceptis aſſertionibus adver ſari videatur, nullo modo eis, cetera utilia monentibus, vel narrantibus,
              vel pranuntiantibus, credat: Breviter diſcendum eſt, de figura Cæli, hoc ſciſſe Autores noſtros, quod verit as ha­
              bet: Sed Spiritum Dei, qui per ipſos loquebstur, noluiſſe iſta docere homines, nulli ad ſalutem profutura.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              Auguſt. </s>
              <s>Lib. 2. De Gen. </s>
              <s>ad literam, Cap. </s>
              <s>9. Idem etiam legitur apud
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Petrum Lombardum
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              Magiſtrum Sententiarum.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>And the ſame intentional ſilence of theſe ſacred Penmen in
              determining what is to be believed of theſe accidents of the Ce­
              leſtial Bodies, is again hinted to us by the ſame Father in the en­
              ſuing 10. Chapter upon the Queſtion, Whether we are to believe
              that Heaven moveth, or ſtandeth ſtill, in theſe words:
                <emph type="italics"/>
              (d) There
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="marg824"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              are ſome of the Brethren that ſtart a queſtion concerning the motion
              of Heaven, Whether it be fixed, or moved: For if it be moved
              (ſay they) how is it a Firmament? </s>
              <s>If it ſtand ſtill, how do theſe
              Stars which are held to be fixed go round from Eaſt to Weſt, the
              more Norchern performing ſhorter Circuits near the Pole; ſo that
              Heaven, if there be another Pole, to us unknown, may ſeem to re­
              volve upon ſome other Axis; but if there be not another Pole, it
              may be thought to move as a Diſcus? </s>
              <s>To whom I reply, That
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