Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1to acknowledge the Aſſiſtance, and En­
couragement the Report of his perfor­
mances hath afforded me.
In .
lib. 1.
But as few inventions happen to be at
firſt ſo compleat, as not to be either ble­
miſhd with ſome deficiencies needful to be
remedy'd, or otherwiſe capable of im­
provement: ſo when the Engine we
have been ſpeaking of, comes to be more
attentively conſider'd, there will appear
two very conſiderable things to be de­
ſir'd in it.
For firſt, the Wind-Pump (as
ſome body not improperly calls it) is ſo
contriv'd, that to evacuate the Veſſel
there is requir'd the continual labor of
two ſtrong men for divers hours.
next (which is an imperfection of much
greater moment) the Receiver, or Glaſs
to be empty'd, conſiſting of one entire
and uninterrupted Globe and Neck of
Glaſs; the whole Engine is ſo made, that
things cannot be convey'd into it, where­
on to try Experiments: So that there
ſeems but little (if any thing) more to be
expected from it, then thoſe very few
Phænomena that have been already ob­
ſerv'd by the Author, and Recorded by
Schottus. Wherefore to remedy theſe
Inconveniences, I put both Mr. G.

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