Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              new Obſervations, and by the application of many of the Lear­
              ned to the reading of him, his Hypotheſis and Doctrine doth
              every day appear to be more true, having admitted and tolerated
              it for ſo many years, whilſt he was leſſe followed, ſtudied, and
              confirmed, would ſeem, in my judgment, an affront to Truth,
              and a ſeeking the more to obſcure and ſuppreſſe her, the more
              ſhe ſheweth her ſelf clear and perſpicuous.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>The aboliſhing and cenſuring, not of the whole Book, but
              onely ſo much of it as concerns this particular opinion of the
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Earths Mobility,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              would, if I miſtake not, be a greater detriment
              to ſouls, it being an occaſion of great ſcandal, to ſee a Poſition
              proved, and to ſee it afterwards made an Hereſie to believe it.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>The prohibiting of the whole Science, what other would it
              be but an open contempt of an hundred Texts of the Holy Scri­
              ptures, which teach us, That the Glory, and the Greatneſſe of
              Almighty God is admirably diſcerned in all his Works, and di­
              vinely read in the Open Book of Heaven? </s>
              <s>Nor let any one
              think that the Lecture of the lofty conceits that are written in
              thoſe Leaves finiſh in only beholding the Splendour of the Sun,
              and of the Stars, and their riſing and ſetting, (which is the term
              to which the eyes of bruits and of the vulgar reach) but there
              are couched in them myſteries ſo profound, and conceipts ſo ſub­
              lime, that the vigils, labours, and ſtudies of an hundred and an
              hundred acute Wits, have not yet been able thorowly to dive
              into them after the continual diſquiſition of ſome thouſands of
              years. </s>
              <s>But let the Unlearned believe, that like as that which
              their eyes diſcern in beholding the aſpect of a humane body, is
              very little in compariſon of the ſtupendious Artifices, which an
              exquiſite and curious Anatomiſt or Philoſopher finds in the ſame
              when he is ſearching for the uſe of ſo many Muſcles, Tendons,
              Nerves, and Bones; and examining the Offices of the Heart,
              and of the other principal Members, ſeeking the ſeat of the vi­
              tal Faculties, noting and obſerving the admirable ſtructures of
              the Inſtruments of the Senſes, and, without ever making an end
              of ſatisfying his curioſity and wonder, contemplating the Re­
              ceptacles of the Imagination, of the Memory, and of the Un­
              derſtanding; So that which repreſents it ſelf to the meer ſight,
              is as nothing in compariſon and proportion to the ſtrange Won­
              ders, that by help of long and accurate Obſervations the Wit
              of Learned Men diſcovereth in Heaven. </s>
              <s>And this is the ſub­
              ſtance of what I had to conſider touching this particular.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>In the next place, as to thoſe that adde, That thoſe Natural
              Propoſitions of which the Scripture ſtill ſpeaks in one conſtant
              tenour, and which the Fathers all unanimouſly receive in the
              ſame ſenſe, ought to be accepted according to the naked and </s>