Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1ſound, ſaying, Ne movearis Sol, ne movearis. For if it had
been in the Meridian, either it had been needleſs to have asked
a Miracle, or it would have been ſufficient to have onely praid
for ſome retardment.
Of this opinion is Cajetan, to which ſub­
ſcribeth Magaglianes, confirming it by ſaying, that Joſhua had
that very day done ſo many other things before his commanding
the Sun, as were not poſſibly to be diſpatch't in half a day.
Whereupon they are forced to read the Words in Medio Cœli
(to confeſs the truth) with a little harſhneſs, ſaying that they
import no more than this: That the Sun ſtood ſtill, being in our
Hemiſphere, that is, above the Horizon. But (if I do not erre)

we ſhall avoid that and all other harſh expoſitions, if according
to the Copernican Syſteme we place the Sun in the midſt, that
is, in the Centre of the Cœleſtial Orbes, and of the Planetary
Converſions, as it is moſt requiſite to do.
For ſuppoſing any
hour of the day (either Noon, or any other, as you ſhall pleaſe
neerer to the Evening) the Day was lengthened, and all the
Cœleſtial Revolutions ſtayed by the Suns ſtanding ſtill, In the
midſt, that is, in the Centre of Heaven, where it reſides: A
Senſe ſo much the more accomodate to the Letter (beſides what
hath been ſaid already) in that, if the Text had deſired to have
affirmed the Suns Reſt to have been cauſed at Noon-day, the
proper expreſſion of it had been to ſay, It ſtood ſtill at Noon-day,
or in the Meridian Circle, and not in the midſt of Heaven: In
regard that the true and only Middle of a Spherical Body (as is
Heaven) is the Centre.
Solem ſtetiſſe,
dum adhuc in He­
miſpharto noſtro,
ſupra ſcilicet Ho­
rizontem exiſteret.
Cajetan in loce.
Again, as to other places of Scripture, which ſeem contrary to
this poſition, I do not doubt but that if it were acknowledged
for True and Demonſtrated thoſe very Divines who ſo long as
they repute it falſe, hold thoſe places incapable of Expoſitions
that agree with it would finde ſuch Interpretations for them, as
ſhould very well ſuit therewith; and eſpecially if to the know­
ledge of Divine Learning they would but adde ſome knowledge
of the Aſtronomical Sciences: And as at preſent, whilſt they
deem it falſe they think they meet in Scripture only with ſuch
places as make againſt it, if they ſhall but once have entertained
another conceipt thereof, they would meet peradventure as many
others that accord with it, and haply would judge, that the Holy
Church doth very appoſitly teach, That God placed the Sun in
the Centre of Heaven, and that thereupon by revolving it in it
ſelf, after the manner of a Wheel, He contributed the ordinary
Courſes to the Moon and other Erratick Stars, whilſt that ſhe
Cœli Deus ſanctiſſime,
Qui lucidum Centrum Poli,

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