b.2) De sectione
[Translation: On the cutting off of a ]
[Translation: On the cutting off of a ]
Quoniam præcedentis æquationis fuit reductio
erit alia Zetetice magis accommoda ad
poristicen et synthesin. Ut
[Translation: Because the reduction of the preceding equation was carried out, there will be another zetetic, more convenient for poristic and synthesis. As follows:
erit alia Zetetice magis accommoda ad
poristicen et synthesin. Ut
[Translation: Because the reduction of the preceding equation was carried out, there will be another zetetic, more convenient for poristic and synthesis. As follows:
Zetetice. 2a.
Sit iam
[Translation: Zetetic 2.
Let it be already ]
Sit iam
[Translation: Zetetic 2.
Let it be already ]
Datur externa, cum tribus
punctis , , .
Ergo: ad determinationem sectionem
deductum est.
Datur igitur,
[Translation: The external point , with the three points , , , are given.
Therefore, the determination of the section is deduced. Therefore is given.
punctis , , .
Ergo: ad determinationem sectionem
deductum est.
Datur igitur,
[Translation: The external point , with the three points , , , are given.
Therefore, the determination of the section is deduced. Therefore is given.
[Translation: Poristic.
Therefore ]
[Translation: Poristic.
Therefore ]