Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
page |< < of 701 > >|
1Mobility. Therefore this Text, of which we have ſpoken, is ea­
ſily reconciled to this Opinion.
And to ſet forth the Wonder­
ful power and Wiſdome of God, who can indue and actuate the
Frame of the Whole Earth (it being of a monſtrous weight by
Nature) with Motion, this our Divine pen-man addeth; And
the pillars thereof tremble: As if he would teach us, from the
Doctrine laid down, that it is moved from its Foundations.
* In vita ejus.
* Followers of
that Learned
Kings Hypothe­
* That is 5000
miles; eight of
theſe making an
Italian, or Engliſh
mile of a 1000.
paces, every pace
containing 5.
* Chap. 1. v. 4.
The Motion of
the Earth, not a­
gainſt Scripture.

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