Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1others, ſuch as were thoſe of Plato, Calippus, Eudoxus; and ſince

them of Averroe, ^{*} Cardanus, Fracaſtorius, and others both Anti­
ent and Modern, there is not one found that is more facile, more
regularly ahd determinately, accommodated to the Phœnomena
and Motions of the Heavens, without Epicycles, Excentrix, Ho­
mocentricks Deferents, and the ſupputation of the Rapid Motion.
And this Hypotheſis hath been aſſerted for true, not onely by
Pythagoras, and, after him, by Copernicus, but by many famous
men, as namely, Heraclitus, and Ecphantus, Pythagoreans, all the
Diſciples of that Sect, Miceta of Syracuſe, Martianus Capella, and
many more.
Amongſt whom, thoſe (as we have ſaid) that
have attempted the finding out of New Syſtemes (for they refu­
ſed both this of Pythagoras, and that of Ptolemy) are numberleſs:
who yet notwithſtanding allowed this Opinion of Pythagoras to
carry with it much probability, and indirectly confirmed it; inaſ­
much as that they rejected the common one as imperfect, defe­

ctive, and attended with many contradictions and difficulties.
Amongſt theſe may be numbered Father ^{*} Clavius, a moſt learn­
ed Jeſuite; who, although he refutes the Syſteme of Pythagoras,
yet acknowledgeth the Levity of the common Syſteme, and he
ingeniouſly confeſſeth, that for the removal of difficulties, in which
the common Syſteme will not ſerve the turn, Aſtronomers are
forced to enquire after another Syſteme, to the diſcovery of
which, he doth very earneſtly exhort them.
* Cardan de re­
rum variet.
Lib. 1.
Cap. 1.
* P. Clavins in
ultima ſuor.
rum editione.
Now can there a better or more commodious Hypotheſis
be deviſed, than this of Copernicus,? For this Cauſe many Mo­
dern Authors are induced to approve of, and follow it: but
with much hæſitancy, and fear, in regard that it ſeemeth in their
Opinion ſo to contradict the Holy Scriptures, as that it cannot
poſſibly be reconciled to them.
Which is the Reaſon that this
Opinion hath been long ſuppreſt, and is now entertained by men
in a modeſt manner, ad as it were with a veiled Face; according
to that advice of the Poet:
Judicium populi nunquam contempſeris unus,
Ne nullis place as, dum vis contemnere multos.
Upon conſideration of which, (out of my very great love to­
wards the Sciences, and my ardent defire to ſee the encreaſe and
perfection of them, and the Light of Truth freed from all Er­
rours and Obſcurities) I began to argue with my ſelf touching
this Point after this manner: This Opinion of the Pythagoreans
is either true, or falſe; If falſe, it ought not to be mentioned, and
deſerves not to be divulged: If true, it matters not, though it
contradict all, as well Philoſophers as Aſtronomers: And though
for its eſtabliſhment and reducement to uſe a new Philoſophy

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