Aristoteles, Physicorvm Aristotelis, sev, de natvrali auscultatione, libri octo

Table of Notes

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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="la" type="free">
        <div xml:id="echoid-div316" type="section" level="1" n="182">
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17673" xml:space="preserve">
              <pb o="98" file="504" n="504" rhead="ARIST. METEOROL."/>
              <figure xlink:label="fig-504-01" xlink:href="fig-504-01a" number="8">
                <image file="504-01" xlink:href=""/>
            Cæterùm tres Arcus, aut plures facti ad hoc uſq; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17674" xml:space="preserve">æui nun-
            quàm fuerunt: </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17675" xml:space="preserve">quia ſecundus obſcurior euadat, adeò ut
            tertia refractio admodum infirma reddatur, nec ad ſolem
            peruenire queat.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17676" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17677" xml:space="preserve">Iridis proprietates aliquot.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17678" xml:space="preserve"/>
        <div xml:id="echoid-div319" type="section" level="1" n="183">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head216" xml:space="preserve">CAP. V.</head>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17679" xml:space="preserve">_P_Orrò Arcum cœlestem nec in circulum euadere poſ-
              <note position="left" xlink:label="note-504-01" xlink:href="note-504-01a" xml:space="preserve">Hîc aliquot
              iridis proprie-
              tates Ā
              rift. po
            ſe, nec in portionem ſemicirculo maiorem, atq; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17680" xml:space="preserve">de cæ-
            teris, quæ illi accidunt, ex deſcriptione fiet conſiderare
            uolentibus apertum. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17681" xml:space="preserve">Nam hemiſphærio ſupra terminan-
            tem circulum A existente, centro autem K, at que puncto
            quodam alio ceu G exoriente, ſi lineæ quæ à K in turbi-
            nis ſpeciem procidunt, uelut axem lineam G K faciant,
            & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17682" xml:space="preserve">lineæ à K ad M productæ ab hemiſphærio ad G ſuper
            angulum maiorem refrangantur, lineæ profectò quæ à K
            egrediuntur, ſeſe circuli oræ applicabunt. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17683" xml:space="preserve">Atque ſi in
            astri exortu, abitu´ue fiatrefractio, dimidia circuli portio,
            quæ ſupra terram ſit, excipi ab horizonte conſueuit. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s17684" xml:space="preserve">Si
            uerò dum astrum ſupera in parte cœli existit, </s>