Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1round about: a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a
pomegranate, upon the hem of the Robe round about. And that this
was a Myſtical Repreſentation of the Worlds Effigies, is averred

by Solomon, ſaying; (i) For in the long (k) Garment that be
had on was the (l) whole World; and in the foure rows of the ſtones

was the Glory of the Fathers graven, and thy Majeſty in the Di-

adem of his Head.
(h) Exod. 28. 33,
34, & 39. v.
25, 26.
(i) Sap. c. 18. v.
(k) Exod. c. 28.
6, 9. 17, 36.
(l) Or, totus Or­
bis Terrarum, as
the vulgar Tranſ­
lation hath it.
The ſame likewiſe is ſignified to us by the Grape, and in like
manner by all other Fruits; but eſpecially the Figg, Grape, and
Pomegranate: whence theſe three are almoſt alwayes placed to­
gether in the Sacred Scriptures.
So Numb. 20. the People of Iſra­
el complain againſt Moſes and Aaron: (m) Wherefore have you

made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this evil place,
where there can grow no Seed, neither is there either Figgs, or
Vines, or Pomegranates?
Intimating that theſe kinds of Fruits
were preferred by them for their excellency before all others.
And in Joel (n) The Vine is dryed up, and the Figg-tree languiſh-

eth, the Pomegranate-trce, the Palm-tree alſo, and the Apple-tree,
even all the Trees of the field are withered; becauſe joy is wither­
ed away from the Sons of Men. Likewiſe in Haggai: (o) Is the

ſeed yet in the Bud? and hath as yet the Vine and the Fig-tree,
and the Pomegranate, and the Olive-tree brought forth?
In like
manner in Deuteronomie the Land of Promiſe is commended to
be (p) A Land of Wheat, and Barly, and Vines in which grow,

Figg-trees, and Pomegranates, and Olive-trees, &c. And in the
Structure of the Temple undertaken by Solomon upon Divine In­

ſpiration the (q) Chapiters of the Pillars were adorned with ſeve­
ral rowes of Pomegranates: which particular is mentioned, not
in one but many places of Holy Writ.
Yea and ſometimes acci­
dentally and occaſionally the Holy hath Ghoſt ænigmatically re­
preſented this moſt admirable and Moſt Wiſe Sructure of the
World, the Order of the Heavens, and the diſpoſure of Crea­
tures Spiritual and Corporeal by Emblems, Parables, and Figures,
leaſt they ſhould be as it were dazled and blinded, by the reful­
gent ſplendor of ſo excellent an Object.
Hence we ſee, that in
theſe Doctrinal & Dubious Points we may diſcourſe in ſuch man­
ner by help of the Holy Scripture as is meet for the underſtanding
of the Prophets; which ſeeing they are very obſcure, they ſhall be
fully underſtood, and may be aptly applyed only then when they
ſhall be fulfilled, and not before: So alſo when once the true
Syſteme of the Univerſe is found out, then, and not till then, the
meaning of theſe Figures, and Ænigma's ſhall be made known
unto us: Thus before the coming of the Son of God had diſco­
vered unto us the Myſtery of the Holy Trinity, none were able
to comprehend or imagine what was concealed under thoſe

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