Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 231]
[Figure 232]
[Figure 233]
[Figure 234]
[Figure 235]
[Figure 236]
[Figure 237]
[Figure 238]
[Figure 239]
[Figure 240]
[Figure 241]
[Figure 242]
[Figure 243]
[Figure 244]
[Figure 245]
[Figure 246]
[Figure 247]
[Figure 248]
[Figure 249]
[Figure 250]
[Figure 251]
[Figure 252]
[Figure 253]
[Figure 254]
[Figure 255]
[Figure 256]
[Figure 257]
[Figure 258]
[Figure 259]
[Figure 260]
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1muffle has small windows at the sides, and in front a little bridge. In order
to melt the silver, at the sides of the muffle are laid bricks, upon which the
charcoal is placed, and burning firebrands are put on the bridge.
furnace has an iron door, which is covered on the side next to the fire with lute
in order that it may not be injured.
When the door is closed it retains the
heat of the fire, but it has a small window, so that the artificers may look
into the test and may at times stimulate the fire with the bellows.
by this method silver is refined more slowly than by the other, nevertheless it is
more useful, because less loss is caused, for a gentle fire consumes fewer particles
than a fierce fire continually excited by the blast of the bellows.
If, on
account of its great size, the cake of silver can be carried only with difficulty
when it is taken out of the muffle, they cut it up into two or three
pieces while it is still hot, with a wedge or a hammer-chisel; for if they cut
it up after it has cooled, little pieces of it frequently fly off and are lost.
260[Figure 260]

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