Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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Of the moſt Obſervable
Mentioned in the FIRST PART Of
The Firſt Tome.
AABSTACT.Things are exactly the ſame in Abstract, as in Concrete.185AIRE.The part of the Aire inferiour to the Higher Mountains doth follow the Motion of the Earth.124 The motion of the Aire apt to carry with it light things, but not heavy.124 The Aire alwayes touching us with the ſame part of it, cannot make us feel it.228 It is more reaſonable that the Aire be commoved by the rugged ſurface of the Earth, than by the Celeſtial Motion.400 It is demonſtrated, inverting the Argument, that the perpetual Motion of the Aire from Eaſt to Weſt, commeth from the Motion of Heaven.403ANIMALS.Animals, Vide, The Motion of Animals.The cauſe of the Wearineſſe that attends the Motion of Animals.244APOLLONIUS.Apollonius and Copernicus demonſtrate the Re­trogradations of Venus and Mercury.311Arguing, Arguments, & ArgumentationsSomein Arguing fix in their minds the Conclu­ſion believed by them, and then adapt their Reaſons to that.250One ſingle Experiment or ſound Demonſtrati­on, overthroweth all Arguments meerly pro­bable.105A pleaſant Example ſhewing the invalidity of ſome Phiſical Argumentations.363ARISTARCHUS.Reaſon and Diſcourſe in Ariſtarchus and Coper­nicus prevailed over manifeſt Senſe.301ARISTOTLE.Ariſtotle maketh the World perfect, becauſeit hath the Threefold Dimenſion.2Ariſt. his Demonſtrations to prove the Worlds Dimenſions to be three, and no more.2Ariſtotle his Definition of Nature either imper­fect or unſeaſonable.7Ariſtotle accomodates the Rules of Architecture to the Frame of the World, and not the Frame to the Rules.8Ariſtotle cannot equivocate, being the Inventer oſ Logick.23Ariſtotle his Paralogiſme in proving the Earth to be in the centre of the World.24Ariſt. Paralogiſme another way diſcovered.24Ariſtotle his Diſcourſe to prove the Incorrupti­bility of Heaven.26Ariſtotle proveth that Circular Motion hath no Contrary.26Ariſtotle defective in aſſigning the Cauſes, why the Elements are Generable and Corrup­tible.31Ariſiotle would change his opinion, did he ſee the Novelties of our Age.37

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