Musschenbroek, Petrus van, Physicae experimentales, et geometricae de magnete, tuborum capillarium vitreorumque speculorum attractione, magnitudine terrae, cohaerentia corporum firmorum dissertationes: ut et ephemerides meteorologicae ultraiectinae

Table of Notes

< >
< >
page |< < (39) of 795 > >|
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          <pb o="39" file="0053" n="53" rhead="DE MAGNETE."/>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          # Lin. # gran.Med.
          # 6 # 76
          # 5 # 96
          # 4 # 109
          # 3 # 131
          # 2 # 179
          # 1 # 231
          # {1/2} # 343
          # 0 # 720
        <div xml:id="echoid-div26" type="section" level="1" n="26">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head34" xml:space="preserve">EXPERIMENTUM XVIII.</head>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s898" xml:space="preserve">Hactenus Magnes fuerat ſuspenſus, volui igitur ferrum reciproce
            ex Libra ſuspendere, & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s899" xml:space="preserve">Magnetem menſæ impoſitum retinere quie
            tum: </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s900" xml:space="preserve">Adeoque ſuspendi parallelepipedum ferreum, cujus baſis 224 li-
            nearum longitudo 5 {1/2} pollic. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s901" xml:space="preserve">rhenol. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s902" xml:space="preserve">hoc ex bilancis brachio funi longo
            alligatum pendebat juxta longitudinem, atque ad accuratiſſimum re-
            ducebatur æquilibrium; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s903" xml:space="preserve">dein Magnetem ſphæricum NO impoſui ta-
            bulæ, polo ſurſum converſo, ita ut linea polorum tranſiret per axem
            ferri, hoc vero ad varias a Magnete diſtantias, dedit eſſectus ſe-
            <s xml:id="echoid-s904" xml:space="preserve"/>
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          Pollic. # Lin. # Grana
          4 # 3 # 0
          3 # 10 # 1
          3 # 1 # 4
          2 # 11 # 7
          2 # 5 # 10
          1 # 7 # 24
          1 # 4 # 37
          # 12 # 61
          # 11 # 70
          # 10 # 84
          # 9 # 106
          # 8 # 121
          # 7 # 140