Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1CONCLUSION and Concluſions.The certainty of the Concluſion helpeth by a reſo­lutive Method to finde the Demonſtration.37The Book of Concluſio s, frequently mentioned, was writ by Chriſtopher Scheiner a Jeſuit.195, & 323.CONTRARIES.Contraries that corrupt, reſide not in the ſame Body that corrupteth.30COPERNICAN.Anſwers to the three firſt Objections againſt the Copernican Syſtem.303The Copernican Syſtem difficul to be underſtood, but eaſie to be effected.354A plain Scheme repreſenting the Copernican Sy­cteme and its conſequences.354The proſcribing of the Copernican Doctrine, af­ter ſo long a Tolleration, and now that it is more than ever followed, ſtudied and con­firmed, would be an affront to Truth.444The Copern. Syſtem admirably agreeth with the Miracle of Joſhuah in the Literal Senſe.456If Divines would admit of the Copernican Sy­ſtem, they might ſoon find out Expoſitions for all Scriptures that ſeem to make againſt it.459The Copernican Syſtem rejected by many, out of a devout reſpect to Scripture Authorities.461The Copernican Syſtem more plainly aſſerted in Scripture than the Ptolomaick.469COPERNICANS.Copernicans are not moved through ignorance of the Arguments on the Adverſe part.110Copernicans were all firſt againſt that Opinion, but the Peripateticks were never on the other ſide.110Copernicans too freely admit certain Propoſiti­ons for true, which are doubtful.159He that will be a Copernican muſt deny his Sen­ſes.228A Great Mathematician made a Copernican, by looking into that Doctrine, with a purpoſe to confute it.443COPERNICUS.Copernicus eſteemeth the Earth a Globe, like to a Planet.1Objections of two Moderne Authours [Schei­ner and Claramontius] againſt Copernicus.195Copernicus his Opinion overthrows the Criteriumof Phyloſophers.223A groſle Errour in the Oppoſer of Copernicus,and wherein it appears.234, 235, & 236A ſubtle and withal ſimple Argument againſt Copernicus.234Copernicus his Opponent had but little ſtudied him, as appears by another groſſe Errour.235Its queſtioned whither he underſtood the third Motion aſſigned to the Earth by Copern.236Copernicus erroneouſly aſſignes the ſame Opera­tions to different Natures.238A declaration of the improbability of Copernicushis Opinion.301Reaſon and Diſcourſe in Copernicus and Ariſtar­chus prevailed over Senſe.301Copernicus ſpeaketh nothing of the ſmall Variati­on of Bigneſſe in Venus and Mars.302Copernicus perſwaded by Reaſons contrary to Senſible Experiments.306Copernicus reſtored Aſtronomy upon the Suppo­ſitions of Ptolomy.308What moved Copernicus to eſtabliſh his Sy­ſteme.308Its a great argument in favour of Copernicus, that he obviates the Stations and Retrogradati­ons of the Motions of the Planets.309Inſtances Ironically propounded by Scheiner againſt Copernicus.323Copernicus underſtood not ſome things for want of Inſtruments.338The grand difficulty in Copernicus his Doctrine, is that which concerns the Phænomena of the Sun and fixed Stars.343Copernicus the Reſtorer of the Pythagorean Hy­potheſis, and the Occaſion of it.429Copernicus founded not his Doctrine on Reaſons depending on Scripture, wherein he might have miſtaken their Senſe, but upon Natu­ral Concluſions and Aſtronomical and Ge­ometrical Demonſtrations.431CORRUPTIBLE, and Corruptibility.The perfection of Figure operates in Corruptible Bodies, but not in Eternal.69The Diſparagers of Corruptibility ought to be turned into Statua's.37Corruptibility admits of more and leſſe, ſo doth not Incorruptibility.69COUNCILS.The Councils refuſe to impoſe Natural Conclu­ſions as matters of Faith.450

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