Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1pernicus.491The Earth ſecundum totum is Immutable, though not Immoveable.491The Earths Natural Place.492The Earths Centre keepeth her in her Natural Place.493The Earth, in what Senſe it may abſolutely be ſaid to be in the loweſt part of the World.496EBBING and Ebbings.The firſt general Concluſion of the impoſſibi­lity of Ebbing and Flowing the Immobility of the Terreſtrial Globe being granted.380The Periods of Ebbings and Flowings, Diurnal, Monethly, and Annual.381Varieties that happen in the Diurnal Period of the Ebbings and Flowings.382The Cauſes of Ebbings and Flowings alledged by a Modern Phyloſopher.382The Cauſe of the Ebbing and Flowing aſeribed to the Moon by a certain Prelate.383The Cauſe of the Ebbing, &c. referred by Hye­ronimus Borrius and other Peripateticks, to the temperate heat of the Moon.383Anſwersto the Vanities alledged as Cauſes of the Ebbing and Flowing.383Its proved impoſſible that there ſhould natu­rally be any Ebbing and Flowing, the Earth being immoveable.386The moſt potent and primary Cauſe of the Eb­bing and Flowing.390Sundry accidents that happen in the Ebbingsand Flowings.391Reaſons renewed of the particular Accidents obſerved in the Ebbings and Flowings.393Second Cauſes why in ſeveral Seas and Lakes there are no Ebbings and Flowings.394The Reaſon why the Ebbings and Flowings for the moſt part, are every Six Hours.395The Cauſe why ſome Seas though very long, ſuffer no Ebbing and Flowing.395Ebbings and Flowings, why greateſt in the Ex­tremities of Gulphs, and leaſt in the middle parts.396A Diſcuſſion of ſome more Abſtruce Accidents obſerved in the Ebbing and Flowing.396The Ebbing and Flowing may depend on the Di­urnal Motion of Heaven.404The Ebbing and Flowing cannot depend on the Motion of Heaven.405The Cauſes of the Periods of the Ebbings and Flowings Monethly and Annual, at large aſſigned407The Monethly and Annual alterations of the Ebbings and Flowings, can depend on no­thing, ſave on the alteration of the Additions and Subtractions of the Diurnal Period from the Annual.408Three wayes of altering the proportion of the Additions of the Diurnal Revolutions, to the Annual Motion of the Ebbing and Flow­ing.409Ebbings and Flowings are petty things, in compariſon of the vaſtneſſe of the Seas, and the Velocity of the Motion of the Terreſtrial Globe.417EFFECT and Effects.Of anew Effect its neceſſary that the Cauſe be likewiſe new.370The Knowledge of the Effects contribute to the inveſtigation of the Cauſes.380True and Natural Effects follow without diffi­culty.387Alterations in the Effects argue alteration in the Cauſe.407ELEMENTS, and their Motions, Vide MOTION.ENCYCLOPEDIA.Subtilties fufficiently inſipid, ironically ſpoken, and taken from a certain Encyclopedia.153EXPERIMENTS.Senſible Experiments are to be preferred before Humane Argumentations.21, 33, 42.It is good to be very cautious in admitting Ex­periments for true, to thoſe that never tryed them.162Experiments and Arguments againſt the Earths Motion, ſeem ſo far concluding, as they lye under Equivokes162The Authority of Senſible Experiments and ne­ceſſary Demonſtrations in deciding of Phy­ſical Controverſies.436EYE.The Circle of the Pupil of the Eye contracteth and enlargeth.329How to finde the diſtance of the Rays Con­courſe from the Pupil of the Eye.329FFAITH.Faith more infallible than either Senſe of

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