Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1Reaſon.475FIRE.Fire moveth directly upwards by Nature, and round about by Participation, according to Ariſtotle.122It is improbable that the Element of Fire ſhould be carried round by the Concave of the Moon.405FIGURE and Figures.Figure is not the Cauſe of Incorruptibility, but of Longer Duration.66The perfection of Figure appeareth in Corrup­tible Bodies, but not in the Eternal.69If the Spherical Figure conferred Eternity, all things would be Eternal.69It is more difficult to finde Figures that touch in a part of their Surface, then in one ſole point.185The Circular Figure placed amongſt the Postu­lata of Mathematicians.186Irregular Figure and Formes difficult to be in­troduced.187Superficial figures increaſe in proportion dou­ble to their Lines.304FLFXURES.The neceſſity and uſe of Flexures in Animals, for varying of their Motions.232FOSCARINI.Foſcarini his Reconciling of Scripture Texts with the Copernican Hypotheſis.473GGENERABILITY.Generability and Corruptibility are onely a­mongſt Contraries, according to Ariſt.26Generability and Alterability are greater perfecti­ons in Mundane Bodies, then the Contrary Qualities.44GEOMETRICAL, and Geometry.Geometrical Demonſtrations of the Triple Di­menſion.4Geometrical Exactneſſe needleſſe in Phyſical Proofs.6Ariſtotle taxeth Plato for being too ſtudious of Geometry.334Peripatetick Phyloſophers condemne the Stu­dy of Geometry, and why.461GILBERT.The Magnetick Phyloſophy of Will. Gilbert.364The Method of Gilbert in his Philoſophy.367GLOBE.Our Globe would have been called Stone, inſtead of Earth, if that name had been given it in the beginning.367GOD.God and Nature do employ themſelves in caring for Men, as if they minded nothing elſe.333An Example of Gods care of Man­kind, taken from the Sun.333God hath given all things an inviolable Law to obſerve.4..GREAT.Great and Small, Immenſe, &c. are Relative Terms.334GRAVITY.Grave; Vide Body.Gravity and Levity, Rarity and Denſity, are contrary qualities.30Things Grave had being before the Common Centre of Gravity.221Gravity and Levity of Bodies defined.493GUN and Gunnery.The Reaſon why a Gun ſhould ſeem to carry farther towards the Weſt than towards the Eaſt.148The Revolution of the Earth ſuppoſed, the Ball in the Gun erected perpendicularly, doth not move by a perpendicular, but an incli­ned Line.155It is ingenuouſly demonſtrated, that, the Earths Motion ſuppoſed, the Shot of Great Gunsought to vary no more than in its Reſt.161The Experiment of a Running Chariot to find out the difference of Ranges in Gunnery.148A Computation in Gunnery, how much the Ranges of Great Shot ought to vary from the Mark, the Earths Motion being Granted.160

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