Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1HHEAVEN.Heaven an Habitation for the Immortal Gods.26Heavens Immutability evident to Senſe.26Heaven Immutable, becauſe there never was any Mutation ſeen in it.34One cannot (ſaith Ariſtotle) ſpeak confident­ly of Heaven, by reaſon of its great di­ſtance.42The ſubſtance of the Heavens impenetrable, ac­cording to Ariſtotle.54The Subſtance of Heaven Intangible.55 Many things may be in Heaven, that are Inviſi­ble to us.334There are more Documents in the Open Book of Heaven, than Vulgar Wits are able to Penetrate.444Heaven and Earth ever mutually oppoſed to each other.480Which are really the Greater Lights in Heaven,and which the leſſer.484Heaven is not compoſed of a fifth Eſſence, differ­ing from the Matter of inferiour Bodies.494Heaven is no Solid or Denſe Body, but Rare.494Chriſt at his Incarnatiou truly deſcended from Heaven, and at his Aſcenſion truly aſcended into Heaven.496Of the Firſt, Second and Third Heaven.497Heaven in the Senſe of Copernicus, is the ſame with the moſt tenuous Æther, but different from Paradice, which excells all the Hea­vens.499HELL.Hell is in the Centre of the Earth, not of the World.480HELIX.The Helix about the Cylinder may be ſaid to be a Simple Line.7HYPOTHESIS.The true Hypotheſis may diſpatch its Revoluti­ons in a ſhorter time in leſſer Circles, than in greater, the which is proved by two Examples.410IJEST.A Jeſt put upon one that offered to ſell a cer­tain Secret of holding Correſpondence at a Thouſand Miles diſtance.79A Jest of a certain Statuary.94IMPOSSIBILITY and Impoſſibilities.Nature attempts not Impoſſibilities.10To ſeek what would follow upon an Impoſſibi­lity is Folly.22INCORRUPTIBILITY.Incorruptibility eſteemed by the Vulgar, out of their fear of Death.45INFINITY.Of Infinity the Parts are not one greater than another, although they are comparatively unequal.105INSTRUMENT and Inſtruments.Inſtruments Aſtronomical very ſubject to Er­rour.262Copernicus underſtood not ſome things for want of Instruments.338A proof of the ſmall credit that is to be given to Aſtronomical Instruments in Minute Ob­ſervations.351Ptolomy did not confide in an Instruments made by Archimedes.352Inſtruments of Tycho made with great Ex­pence.352What Inſtruments are moſt apt for exact Obſer­vations.352INVENTORS.The Firſt Inventors and Obſervers of things ought to be admired.370JOSHUAH.The Miracle of Joſhuah in commanding the Sun to ſtand ſtill, contradicts the Ptolomaick Syſtem.456Joſhuahs Miracle admirably agreeth with the Pythagorick Syſteme.457

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