Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1CONTRARY MOTIONS: An Experi­ment which plainly ſhews that two Con­trary Motions may agree in the ſame Move­able.363The parts of a Circle regularly moved about its own Centre, move in diverſe times with Contrary Motions.389DESCENDING MOTION: The Inclination of Grave Bodies to the Motion of Deſcent, is e­qual to their reſiſtance to the Motion of Aſcent.191The Spaces paſt in the Deſcending Motion of the ſalling Grave Body, are as the Squares|of their times.198The Motion of Deſcent belongs not to the Ter­reſtrial Globe, but to its parts.362DIVRNAL MOTION: The Diurnal Motionſeemeth Commune to all the Univerſe, the Earth onely excepted.97Diurnal Motion why it ſhould more probably belong to the Earth than to the Reſt of the Univerſe.98The firſt Diſcourſe to prove that the Diurnal Motion belongs to the Earth.99The Diurnal Motion cauſeth no Mutation among Celeſtial Bodies, but all changes have relati­on to the Earth.100A ſecond Confirmation that|the Diurnal Moti­on belongs to the Earth.100A third Confirmation that the Diurnal Motionbelongs to the Earth.101A fourth, fiſth, and ſixth Confirmation that the Diurnal Motion belongs to the Eatth.102Aſeventh Confirmation that the Diurnal Mo­tion belongs to the Earth.103If the Diurnal Motion ſhould alter, the Annual Period would ceaſe.409LOCAL MOTION: Local Motion of three kinds, Right, Circular, and Mixt.6An entire and new Science of our Academick [Galileo] concerning Local Motion.198MIXT MOTION: Of Mixt Motion we ſee not the part that is Circular, becauſe we pertake thereof.218Ariſtotle granteth a Mixt Motion to Mixt Bodies.375The Motion of Mixt Bodies ought to be ſuch as may reſult from the Compoſition of the Mo­tions of the ſimple Bodies compounding.375NATVRAL MOTION: Accelleration of the Natural Motion of Graves is made according to the Odd Numbers beginning at Uni­ty.198Natural Motion changeth into that which is Preter­Natural and Violent.212PROGRESSIVE MOTION: The Progreſſive Motion may make the Water in a Veſſel to run to and fro.387RIGHT MOTION: Sometimes Simple, and ſometimes Mixt, according to Ariſtotle.8Right Motion impoſſible in the World exactly Ordinate.10Right Motion Naturally Infinite.10Right Motion Naturally Impoſſible.10Right Motion might poſſibly have been in the Firſt Chaos.11Right Motion is uſeful to reduce into Order things out of Order.11Right Motion cannot naturally be Perpetual.20Right Motion aſſigned to Natural Bodies, to re­duce them to perfect Order, when removed from their Places.20Right Motion of Grave Bodies manifeſt to Senſe.22Right Motion with more reaſon aſcribed to the Parts, than to the whole Elements.33Right Motion cannot be Eternal, and conſe­quently cannot be Natural to the Earth.117Right Motion ſeemeth to be wholly excluded in Nature.147With two Right Motions one cannot compoſe Circular Motions.375Right Motion belongeth to imperfect Bodies, and that are out of their Natural Places.495Right Motion is not Simple.495Right Motion is ever mixt with the Circular.495SIMPLE MOTION peculiar onely to Simple Bodies.494TERRESTRIAL MOTION collected from the Stars.229The Parts of the Terreſtrial Globe accelerate and retard in their Motion.388One ſingle Terreſtrial Motion ſufficeth not to produce the Ebbing and Flowing.421UNEVEN MOTION may make the Water in a Veſſel to Run to and fro.387The Mixture of the two Motions Annual and Diurnal, cauſeth the unevenneſſe in the Motion of the parts of the Terreſtrial Globe.390MOVE.Its queſtionable whether deſcending Bodies Move in a Right Line.21Ariſtotles Argument to prove that Grave Bodies Move with an inclination to arrive at the Centre.22Grave Bodies Move towards the Centre of the Centre of the Earth per Accidens.22Things forſaking the place which was natural ro them by Creation, are ſaid to Move violently,

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