Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1and naturally tend to return back to the ſame.492MOVEABLE, &c.A Moveable being in the ſtate of Reſt ſhall not move unleſſe it have an inclination to ſome particular Place.11The Moveable accellerates its Motion in going towards the Place whither it hath an inclina­tion.11The Moveable departing from Reſt goeth thorow all the Degrees of Tardity.11The Moveable doth not accelerate ſave only as it approacheth near to its terme of Reſt.12To introduce in a Moveable a certain Degree of Velocity, Nature made it to move in a Right Line.12The Moveable departing from Reſt paſſeth through all the Degrees of Velocity without ſtaying in any.13The Grave Moveable deſcending, acquireth Impetus ſufficient to re­carry it to the like height.13The Impetus of Moveables equally approaching to the Centre are equal.14Upon an Horizontal Plane the Moveable lyeth ſtill.14A ſingle Moveable hath but one only Natural Motion, and all the reſt are by participa­tion.103A Line deſcribed by a Moveable in its Natural Deſcent, the Motion of the Earth about its own Centre being preſuppoſed, would pro­bably be the Circumference of a Circle.145A Moveable falling from the top of a Tower moveth in the Circumference of a Circle.146A Moveable falling from a Tower moveth neither more nor leſſe, then if it had ſtaid alwayes there.146A Moveable falling from a Tower moveth with an Uniforme not an Accelerate Motion.146The Cadent Moveable, if it fall with a Degree of Velocity acquired in a like time with an Uniform Motion, it ſhall paſſe a ſpace double to that paſſed with the Accelerate Mo­tion.202Admirable Problems of Moveables deſcending by the Quadrant of a Circle, and thoſe deſcending by all the Chords of the whole Circle.412MUNDANE.Mundane Bodies were moved in the beginning in a Right Line, and afterwards circularly, according to Plato.11NNATURAL.That which is Violent cannot be Eternall, and that which is Eternal cannot be Natural.116NATURE, and Natures.Nature attempts not things impoſſible to be effected.10Nature never doth that by many things which may be done by a few.99Nature firſt made things as ſhe pleaſed, and afterwards capacitated Mans underſtanding for conceiving of them.238From Common Accidents one cannot know different Natures.238Natures Order is to make the leſſer Orbes to Cir­culate in ſhorter times, and the bigger in longer.243That which to us is hard to be underſtood, is with Nature caſie to be effected.403Nature keeping within the bounds aſſigned her, little careth that her Methods of opperating fall within the reach of Humane Capacity.433Natures Actions no leſs admirably diſcover God to us than Scripture Dictions.434NERVES.The Original of the Nerves according to Ariſto­tle, and according to Phyſitians.91The ridieulous Anſwer of a Phyloſopher deter­mining the Original of the Nerves.91OOBJECTS.Objects, the more Vigorous they are in Light, the more they do ſeem to encreaſe.305That Remote Objects appear ſo ſmall is the Defect of the Eye, as is demonſtrated.337In Objects far Remote and Luminous, a ſmall acceſſion or receſſion is imperceptible.350OPINIONS.It's all one, whether Opinions are new to Men, or Men new to Opinions.77ORBE, and Orbes.The greater Orbes make their Converſions in

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