Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1Motion of Projests.134An admirable accident in the Motion of Pro­jects.135Sundry curious Problems touching the Motion of Projects.137Projects continue their Motion by a Right Line that follows the direction of the Motion made together with the Projicient, whilſt they were conjoyned therewith.154The Motion impreſſed by the Projicient is onely in a Right Line.170The Project moveth by the Tangent of the Cir­cle of the Motion preceeding in the inſtant of Seperation.172A Grave Project aſſoon as it is ſeperated from the Projicient, beginneth to decline.173The Cauſe of the Projection encreaſeth not ac­cording to the Proportion of Velocity en­creaſed by making the Wheel bigger.189The Virtue which carrieth Grave Projects up­wards, is no leſſe Natural to them than the Gravity which moveth them down­wards.211PTOLOMY, &c.Inconveniences that are in the Syſtem of Pto­lomy.309Ptolomies Syſtem full of defects.476The Learned both of elder and later times diſ­ſatisfied with the Ptolomaick Syſtem.477PYTHAGORAS, &c.Pythagorick Miſtery of Numbers fabulous.3Pythagoras offered an Hecatombe for a Geo­metrical Demonſtration which he found.38Pythagoras and many other Ancients enumera­ted, that held the Earths Mobility.437 & 468RRAYS.Shining Objects ſeem fringed and environed with adventitious Rays.304RIST.Reſt. Vide Motion.Reſt the Infinite degree of Tardity.11RBTROGRADATIONS.Retrogradations more frequent in Saturn, leſſe fre quent in Jupiter, and yet leſſe in Mars, and why.311The Retrogradations of Venus and Mercury demonſtrated by Apollonius and Coper­nicus.311SSATURN.Saturn for its ſlowneſſe, and Mercury for its late appearing, were amongſt thoſe that were laſt obſerved.416SCARCITY.Scarcity and Plenty enhanſe and debaſe the price of all things.43SCHEINER.Chriſtopher Scheiner the Jefuit his Book of Con­cluſions confuted.78 & 195, & ſeque & 323A Canon Bullet would ſpend more than ſix dayes in falling from the Concave of the Moon to the Center of the Earth, according to Scheiner.195Chriſtopher Scheiner his Book entituled Apelles poſt Tabulam cenſured, and diſproved.313The Objections of Scheiner by way of Interro­gation.336Anſwers to the Interrogations of Schtiner.336Queſtions put to Scheiner, by which the weak­neſle of his is made appear.336SCIENCES.In Natural Sciences the Art of Oratory is of no uſe.40In Natural Sciences it is not neceſſary to ſeek Mathematical evidence.206SCRIPTURE, &c.The Caution we are to uſe in determining the Senſe of Scripture in difficult points of Phy­loſophy.427Scripture ſtudiouſly condeſcendeth to the ap­prehenſion of the Vulgar.432In dicuſſing of Natural Queſtions, we ought not to begin at Scripture, but at Senſible Experiments and Neceſſary Demonſtra­tions.433The intent of Scripture is by its Authority to recommend thoſe Truths to our beliefe, which being un­intelligible, could no other wayes be rendered credible.434

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