Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1Scripture Authority to be preferred, even in Na­tural Controverſies to ſuch Sciences as are not confined to a Demonſtrative Me­thod.434The Pen­men of Scripture, though read in A­ſtronomy, intentionally forbear to teach us anything of the Nature of the Stars.435The Spirit had no intent at the Writing of the Scripture, to teach us whether the Earth mo­veth or ſtandeth ſtill, as nothing concerning our Salvation.436Inconveniencies that ariſe from licentious u­ſurping of Scripture, to ſtuffe out Books that treat of Nat. Arguments.438The Literal Senſe of Scripture joyned with the univerſal conſent of the Fathers, is to be re­ceived without farther diſpute444A Text of Scripture ought no leſſe diligently to be reconciled with a Demonſtrated Pro­poſition in Philoſophy, than with another Text of Scripture ſounding to a contrary Senſe.446Demonſtrated Truth ought to aſſiſt the Com­mentator in finding the true Senſe of Scrip­ture.446It was neceſſary by way of condeſcenſion to Vulgar Capacities, that the Scripture ſhould ſpeak of the Reſt and Motion of the Sun and Earth in the ſame manner that it doth.447Not onely the Incapacity of the Vulgar, but the Current Opinion of thoſe times, made the Sacred Writers of the Scripture to ac­commodate themſelves to Popular Eſteem more than Truth.447The Scripture had much more reaſon to affirm the Sun Moveable, and the Earth Immove­able, than otherwiſe.448Circumſpection of the Fathers about impoſing poſitive Senſes on Doubtful Texts of Scrip­ture.451Tis Cowardice makes the Anti­Copernican fly to Scripture Authorities, thinking thereby to affright their Adverſaries.455Scripture ſpeaks in Vulgar and Common Points after the manner of Men.462The intent of Scripture is to be obſerved in Pla­ces that ſeem to affirme the Earths Stabi­lity.464Scripture Authorities that ſeem to affirm the Mo­tion of the Sun and Stability of the Earth, divided into ſix Claſſes.478Six Maximes to be obſerved in Expounding Dark Texts of Scripture.481Scripture Texts ſpeaking of things inconveni­ent to be underſtood in their Literal Senſe, are to be interpreted one of the four wayes named.81Why the Sacred Scripture accommodates it ſelf to the Senſe of the Vulgar.487SEA.The Seas Surface would ſhew at a diſtance more obſcure than the Land.49The Seas Reflection of Light much weaker than that of the Earth.81The Iſles are tokens of the unevenneſſe of the Bottoms of Seas.383SELEUCUS.Opinion of Seleucus the Mathematician cen­ſured.422SENSE.He who denieth Senſe, deſerves to be deprived of it.21Senſe ſheweth that things Grave move ad Me­dium, and the Light to the Concave.21It is not probable that God who gave us our Senſes, would have us lay them aſide, and look for other Proofs for ſuch Natural Points as Senſe ſets before our Eyes.434Senſe and Reaſon leſſe certain than Faith.475SILVER.Silver burniſhed appears much more obſcure than the unburniſhed, and why.64SIMPLICIUS.Simplicius his Declamation.43SOCRATES.The Anſwer of the Oracle true in judging So­crates the Wiſeſt of his time.85SORITES.The Forked Sylogiſme called Sοπειτες29SPEAKING.We cannot abſtract our manner of Speakingfrom our Senſe of Seeing.461SPHERE.The Motion of 24 hours aſcribed to the Higheſt

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