Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1 a falſe one, none.112. 245TRUTH, and Truths.Untruths cannot be Demonſtrated as Truthsare.112The Truth ſometimes gains ſtrength by Con­tradiction.181Truth hath not ſo little light as not to be diſco­vered amongſt the Umbrages of Fal­ſhoods.384TYCHO.The Argument of Tycho grounded upon a falſe Hypotheſis.324Tycho and his Followers never attempted to ſee whether there were any Phænomena in the Firmament for or againſt the Annual Mo­tion.337Tycho and others argue againſt the Annual Mo­tion, from the invariable Elevation of the Pole.338VVELOCITY.Vniform Velocity ſutable with Circular Mo­tion.12Nature doth not immediately conferre a de­terminate degree of Velocity, although She could.12The Velocity by the inclining plane equal to the Velocity by the Perpendicular, and the Mo­tion by the Perpendicular ſwifter than by the inclining plane.14Velocities are ſaid to be equal, when the Spa­ces paſſed are proportionate to their times.15The greater Velocity exactly compenſates the greater Gravity.192VENUS.The Mutation of Figure in Venus argueth its Motion to be about the Sun.295Veuus very great towards the Veſpertine Con­junction, and very ſmall towards the Ma­cutine.297Venus neceſſarily proved to move about the Sun.298The Phænomena of Venus appear contrary to the Syſtem of Copernicus.302Another Difficulty raiſed by Venus againſt Co­pernicus.302Venus according to Copernicus either lucid in it ſelf, or a tranſparent ſubſtance.302The Reaſon why Venus and Mars do not ap­pear to vary Magnitude ſo much as is re­quiſite.303A ſecond Reaſon of the ſmall apparent encreale of Venus.306Venus renders the Errour of Aſtronomers in de­termining the Magnitude of Stars inex­cuſeable.327VESSEL.Of the Motion of Water in a Veſſel. Vide Water.UNDERSTAND, &c.Man Underſtandeth very much intenſive, but little extenſive.86Humane Uuderſtanding operates by Ratioci­nation.87UNIVERSE.The Conſtitution of the Uuiverſe is one of the Nobleſt Problems a Man can ſtudy.187The Centre of the Univerſe according to Ari­ſtotle is that Polnt about which the Cele­ſtial Spheres do revolve.294Which ought to be accounted the Sphere of the Univerſe.299It is a great raſhneſſe to cenſure that to be ſu­perfluous in the Univerſe which we do not perceive to be made for us.334VURSTITIUS.Chriſtianus Vurſtitius read certain Lectures touching the Opinion of Copernicus, and what happened thereupon.110WWATER.He that had not heard of the Element of Water,could never fancie to himſelf Ships and Fi­ſhes.47An Experiment to prove the Reflection of Wa­ter lefs bright than that of the Land.81The Motion of the Water in Ebbing and Flow­ing, not interrupted by Reſt.251The vain Argumentation of ſome, to prove the Element of Water to be of a Spherical Superficies.377

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