Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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1The Progreſſive and uneven Motion makes the Water in a Veſſel to run to and fro.387The Several Motions in the conteining Veſſel, may make the conteined Water to riſe and fall.387The Water raiſed in one end of the Veſſel re­turneth it ſelf to Æquilibrium.391In the ſhorter Veſſels the Undulations of Wa­ters are more frequent.391The greater profundity maketh the Undulati­ons of Water the more frequent.391Why in narrow places the Courſe of the Wa­ters is ſwifter than in larger.396The cauſe why in ſome narrow Chanels, we ſee the Sea­Waters run alwayes one way.398The Water more apt to conſerve an Impetus conceived than the Air.400The Motion of the Water dependeth on the Motion of Heaven.404WEIGHTS.Its queſtionable whether Deſcending Weightsmove in a Right Line.21WEST.The Courſe to the West India's eaſie, the re­turn difficult.402WINDE.Conſtant Gales of Winde within the Tropicks blow towards the Weſt.402Windes from the Land, make rough the Seas.402WISDOME Divine.Divine Wiſdome infinitely infinite.85The Diſcourſes which Humane Reaſon makes in time, the Divine Wiſdom reſolveth in a Moment, that is hath them alwayes pre­ſent.87WIT.The Wit of Man admirably acute.87The Puſilanimity of Popular Wits.364Poctick Wits of two kinds.384WORLD.World. Vide Univerſe.The Worlds parts are according to Ariſtotle two, Celeſtial and Elementary, contrary to each other.6The World ſuppoſed by the Anthour [Galileo] to be perfectly Ordinate.10The Senſible World.96It hath not been hitherto proved by any whe­ther the World be finite or infinite.293If the Centre of the World be the ſame with that about which the Planets move, the Sun and not the Earth is placed in it.295WRITING.Some Write what they underſtand not, and therefore underſtand not what they Write.63The Invention of Writing Stupendious above all others.88YYEAR.The Years beginning and ending, which Ptolomy and his Followers could never poſitively aſ­ſign, is exactly determined by the Coper­nican Hypotheſis.469

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