Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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The ERRATA of the firſt PART of the firſt TOME.
line 31. for where leave, read why omit. p 3, l 32, only for. p 5, l 8, Dimenſions of a Superficies, ibid. l 15, for line r. thread, l ult.
for on all ſides, r. every way. p 6, l 41, by neceſſary. p 9, l 15, for Medium, r. Way. l 40. for ſome r. ſave, marg and the. p 10, l 1. farther be
l 28. intigrall,
l 44, prefixed. p 11, 19, oppoſitely might have. l 10, conſtituted Bodie. l 11, ſo are. l 15, would only enſue. p 12, l 28,
p 14, l 25. inclined plane. l 16. p 34, for by r. through. p 17, l 20, beyond T, p 19, l 3, dele of. l 6, for of aſſigning, r. that he
l 9, for and with the &c. r. and given them the intended inclinations of moving thence towards the Centre. l 15, for Orbes,
r. Globes, l 38, for truly r. exactly. p 21, l 36, for another, r. one. p 22, l 19, that contra, l 20. for than contend with you, r. than as being.
convinced by the ſtrength of your Reaſons.
p 23, 18. for to diſcover, r. to be ſhowne, l 17, ſuppoſing. l 22, for follow, r. hit upon. l 52, as
you well underſtand.
p 24, l 17, for thither r. there. l 33, r. Earth aſcend and deſcend. p 25, l 7, for quality r. power. l ult. part. p 26,
l 9. contraries; But of contraries the motions are contrary,
l 32, for beſides r. in caſe. p 27, l 2, for repeat, r. go over. l 3. for reaſſume, r.
p 29, l ult. for ſay r. mean. l 18, reſide. l 39, for may. r. can. p 32, l 1, for others, r. one. l 15, for the beſt we can whether, r. whats to
be done with it in caſe that.
l 37, for they muſt grant us, r. let it be granted, p 32, l 5, what. l 12, unalterable. p 37, l 28, for confront r.
l 37, for bethink, r. think, p 41. l 39, for obſerve them to be hid, r. observe that he hath concealed from you thoſe that are
p 42, l 17. which experience and ſenſe. l 17, unalterable. p 43, l 15, for more r. leſſe. p 44. l 4, Globes? p 46, l 18, r. liquifie,
for them r. it, p 49. l 11, for thing r. thinke. p 50, l 19. and p 51, l 3, Superficies p 53, l 14, Truths. p 54, l 38, be ſolid. p 55, l 15,
l 36, of the. l 40, omit ſo. p 57, l 44, maketh, p 59, l 1, for that r. the. p 61, l 5, thoſe. p 62, l 6, diſperſe. p 64, l 13, evene. l 26,
l 37, for of, r. in. l 42, acquieſſe. p 65. l 20, happeneth. p 67, l 13, Solutions, l 15, viſive. p 69, l 18, wood?. l 31, wayes,. p 70, l 7,
concluſion is very good for, l 10, ſhould we, l 11, would alter.
l 12, for or, r. and, l 22, Propoſitions, l 29, Protubrances, l 41, for their, r. its.
p. 71, l 5, by one dele;. l 12, of the Moon, l 37, for in youes, &c. r. with your Opacity and Perſpicuity. p 72, l 20, what time do.
for p 74. r. 73. l 26, yea and more. p 76, l 18, Vitellio. p 81, l 6, dele more. p 81, l 25, of a fluid matter, l 29, for ſentence r. Centre. for on
r. one. p 85, l 39, for make raiſins, r. make the kernels, p 86, l 29 intenſivè, p 87, l 17, the which, neither,. p. 88. l. 8. Raffaelio, or a Tiziano?
p 90. l 20. for receſſe r. remote. p 91. l 11, curioſity. p 94. l 41. reputation. p 101, l 18, altercations. p 107, l 29, ſtar. p 104, l 32,
p 107, l 26, accidens. p 111, l 24, ſelfe, l 18, third teime, p. 113, l 21, Guns. p 111, l 3, tranſported, l. 7, we paſſe. p 116, l 15,
otherwiſe r. any wayes. p 118, Marg. rendred, p 128, 35, aſcending?. p 130, l 42, as being the. p 131, l 19, occaſion, l 30, ſeparated.
3, l 11, pendula. p 134, ll 20, arows? p 135, l 12, time to prove it,. p 137, l 2, and 6, for ball, r. bowl. p 142, l 17, dele very. p 143, l 3,
l, l 4, liberty.
p 144, l 8, find out. p 145, l 21, dele;. p 147, l 9, dele that. p 148, l 7, which ſo far exceeds their flight, l 33, is the. l ult.
moment of.
p 149, l 44, Tycho. p 153, l 21, for that is r. or. p 154. 3. dele of. p 157, l 7, for to the, r. by the. p 161, l 15, fifteen ſeconds:
Marg in its reſt. p 162, l 13, for motion r. Immobility. p. 163, l 30, like. p 164, l 22, ſeeing. l 31, for as great as, r no greater than. 166,
l 24, poope, l 40, Aufractions.
p 175, l 26, ſpeak. p 177, l 13, contraſt. p 184, l 15, for becauſe it cannot, r. why may it not?. p 185, l 6, 7, is
Marg Sphere. p 188. l 19 freind. p 190, l 28. for give leave, r. permit. p 191, l 17, for on, r. one. l 31. ſee you. p 193, l 21, Vertigo?
p 197, l 1, ſubject.
p 200, l 36, dele that, p 201, l 21, pace, l 35, will profeſſe, with. p 203, l 6, dele ſo, l 31, diminiſheth, l 33, degrees. p
104, l 14, dele and. p 206, l 19, and 44. Pendula, p 212, l 14, dele it. p 216, l ult. propieres. p 219, 10, for to theſe that, r. ſeeing that to theſe.
p 220, l 12, what. p 221, l 2, than an. l 222, 6, us take. p 224, 37, for that to r. that for. 225, 25, invented it, 227, 9, that the 229, l 6, dele
l 18, dele and wee, l 45, for From, r. By. p 230, l 14, in the. p. 232. l 41. augre, p 233, l 22, inarticulate. p 234, l 20, for were of, r.
were with.
p 233, l 6, the error, l 14, revolve. p 240, l 40, virtue; amongſt. l 41, for Mars, &c. r. Mars. l 44, more ſuiting. p 224, l 44,
r.contrary. p 245, l 10, interfere. p 250, l 44, dele being. p 252, l 26, mainteined. p 254, l 7, it was, l 43, uphold. p 258, l 8, ſelfe. p 259, l 9,
p 260, l 35, calculations. p 61, l 16, interfering. l 15. if not. p 264, l 11, ſame that you do, line 18, rather than. p 266, l 8, I make. p 267,
l 24 Buſchins. p 266, l 16, r. 40 min. pr. p 272, l 20, r. B G, is 42657. p 272. l 29, of the ^{*} 67^{d} 36. p 274, l 32, every. p 275. l 25, halfe ſo
p 277, l 18, and 37, r. B.D. Chord. p 281, l 30. r. 540. ­­­­­540 00. p. 285, l. 8. r. been the, l 38, ſay of: l 39, circà. p 286, l 24, than: BP, PB.
being bigger than P D.
p 287, l 4, ſee, l 33, 582 ­­­­100000. p 288, l 21, r. 276, quep 289 l 32, ſpake. p, 290, for p. 274. r. 290. l 12. they kept.
p 291, l 8, uncertain, l 37, Braces, l 42, breadth. p 292, l 6. dele the other ar. p 244. l 23, Peripateticks ­­­­­, p 295. l 1. figure, and morning­
p 297, l 11, oppoſition, marg r. veſpertine conjunction. p 298. l 23, argument and. p 301, l 1, your, l 30, are yet p. 304, l 9, and allured, marg
enlarged ſoe. p 305, l 27, we leave.
p 306, l 25, it ought. p 307, for 330, r. 307. l 10, digreſſions, l 16, diſcus. l 32, years, together, with, l 34,
l 41, alwayes all lucid. p 308, for 394, r. 308. p 309, for 395, r. 309. l in it. l 34, ſole and ſingle p 310, l 11, CD. DE. EF. p 312. l 19,
shaking off,
l 19, matters that. p 314, l 8, & 10, Ecliptick. in 316, l 5, nor, l FG: whereupon p 319, l 7, circuition,
l 31, that he hath. p 220, l 31, extreme Terminator. p 124. l 30, Solar Globe, p 322. l 40. thoſe Phyſical and. p 324, l 20, ſaith that, l 29
Copernicus ſaith. p 329, l 39, this ſecond. marg. to be the ſame. p. 332, l 24, below it. p 333, l 17, ſtar, that. p 335, l 24, ſtar now, marg. called
small in.
p 338, l 41, Into this l 24, now, no not for an. l 28, follow thereupon, l 31, point equidiſtant. p 341, l 10, out
l 18, yet the force (which. p 342, l 25, Orbe; ſo, p 343, l 21, be ſeen, l 33, Latitudes and, l 38, ours, l 91, greater varieth. p 344, l 39, and,
p 345. l 23. Cancer and Capricorn, p 347, l 1, feinedly, l 30, Stars are. p 349, l 35, [in Fig. 9.]. p 350, l 42, knew. p 355. l 12, Weſt to
p 356, l 15, G N. p 360, l 38, circle l K. p 382, l 30, the propenſion. marg. librated body. p 363, l 3, Experiment, l 7, baſon ſhall. p 364, l 2 of William, l 17, them as, l 38, that, think. p 366, l 14, and 39, ſtived. p 367, l. that this, p 370, l 3, do that for natural, l 12, appli­
cation of a perſon to.
p 372, l ult. thoſe. p 373, l 17, than if, l 39, Launes, Woods, l 43, whither, p 374, l 16, dele ſelfe. p 375, l 28. ſtreight
motion is peculiar,
l 39, and an. p 376, l 5, (For, l 6, together, l 12, granted ought, p 380, l 1, dele hath. l 5, a mutual, l 6, Indices, l 45, admit.
p 381, l 36, which with, ibid. dele with. p 382, l 3, place), l 13, extremities. p 384, l 3. write of, l 29, SALU. p 385, l 18, more, in l 13, againſt
l 24, ſwagg, l 37, reply, p 386, l 16, as if it. p. 387, l 33, Water, conteined. p 389, l 43, at the. p 290 l 22, that the diurnall litle. p 391,
11, grow even, it,
l 13, Æquilibrium, but. p 392, l 35, unitedly, equally. p 394, l 16, velocity, when. p 396, l 11, Sardigna p 397, l 38, returns.
p399, l 30, is free. p 401, l 10, pound you, l 13, and argument. p 402, l 25, alledged that, l 37, interruptions for. p 405, l 19, contact, l 37,
at in a Sea only which, l penult. ordinate. p 205, l 38, concern. p 407, l 3, for ſpeculation and the, l 8, light, with, l 23, at thoſe, l 28,
showwings, conſiſteth,
l 42, from the, l penult, ſubſtractions that, l ult. maketh to or from. p 48, l 4, proportion in, l 14, leſſer, ſo as that, p
409, l 12, ſwift,
p 411, l 24 circles marg, pendula, p 412, l 27, ſubtend, p 413, l 14, projected, l 24, conſume, l 93, is, contracted, l 34, of in the
p 441, l 3, differs, l 5, Moon about, l 21, Orb, by. p 415, l 4, do either with. p 416, l 8, ran, l 11, Excentricks, l 13, apparitions, how, l 33,
cliptick divided,
l 44, on account. p 417, l 43, on which. p 418, l 4, inequalities. p 419, l 12, dele therefore. p 430, l 33, Anomalies,
l 45, tracts. p 421,, l 4, Weſtern. p 423, l 41, dele in. p 425, l 16, GALILEO GALILEI p 428, l 32, theſe. p 430, l 27, from its. p 431, marg.
ibid. marg. de iis. p 432, l 39, corporeal. p 433, l 26, dele in, l 37, appearance and. p 435, marg. Cœli eſſe, l 27, Spirit of God who
pake by them.
p 430, l 34, tatling p 440, l 40, propoſe. p 443, l 2, interfere. p 445, l 34, dele with. p 448, l 14, but. p 449, l 27, make reflection.
p 450, marg. & Sanctœ, l 42, ſtood ſtill,. p 451, l 37, her curſes. p 453, marg. l 13, evoluerit. p 454, l 29, Lap. Your. marg. l 6, prœſumptores,
l 14, auctoritate non tenentur, ad deſcendendum id, quod leviſſima temeritate, &. p 451, l 27, or at leaſt the. p 456, l 47, in marg In
Epist ad Polycarpum.
p 463, l 17, Stabil try. p 454, l ult. riſe, p 468, l 25, motion. p 467, l 26, Sacred, is the Inquiſition. p 469,
l 4, Almageſt. p 471, l 28, Si quis. p 475, l 12, Credit. l 19, Antlents. p 476, l 9, Deferents, l 33, and in a word. p 477, l 10, Nicetas. p 478, l 1,
l 5, dece of, l 19, Galileo Galilei, l 21, Invinſible, l 23, who. p 481, l 26, or thats incommenſurate, l 33, vulgar mode of, p 482
l 7, grieveth. p 485, l 18, ſuch that having, p 487, l 3, ſtay: and. p 488, l 41, Edification, leſt undecided in Holy Scripture. p 491, l 15,
p 492, l 30, keeps, marg Æthereal Earth. p 493, l 17, that that. p 495, l 27, frees them. p 500, marg Authors are not agreed,
p 582, l 30, Holy Ghoſt hath.

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