Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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Authour and Work.
the famous Authour of theſe enſuing
Diſcourſes of the Menſuration of
Running Waters, is deſcended from
the Worſhipful FAMILY of the
GASTELLII, and took his
firſt breath near to the lake THR A­
SIMENVS, (where Hanibal gave
a fatal overthrow to the Roman
Legions) in that ſweet and fertile part
of happy ITALY, called the Territory
of PERUGIA, a branch of the Dukedome of TUSCANY, which
at preſent ſubmitteth to the Juriſdiction of the Church, as being a
part of St.
PETER'S Patrimony. His Parents, who were more
zealous of the good of his Soul than obſervant of the Propenſion of
his Genius, dedicated him (according to the Devotion of that Coun­
try) to the Service of the Church; and entered him into the Flou­
riſhing Order of Black-Friers, called from the place Moncks
of Monte Caſino, and from the Founder Benedictines. Na­
ture, that She might conſummate the Profuſion of her Fa­
vours upon him, ſent him into the World in an Age that was ſo
ennobled and illuminated with Eminent Scholars in all Kinds of
Literature, that hardly any Century ſince the Creation can boaſt
the like.

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