Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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§. In particular, the SCIENCES MATHEMATI­
CAL had then got that Fame and Eſteem in the Learned World,
that all men of Spirit or Quality became either Students in, or
Patrons of thoſe Sublime Knowledges.
On this occaſion the Curi­
oſity of our AUTHOUR being awakened, his Active Wit
could not endure to be any longer confined to the Slaviſh Tuition
of Hermetical Pedagogues; but in concurrence with the Genius
of the Age, he alſo betook himſelf to thoſe moſt Generous and
Liberal Studies.
His helps in this his deſign were ſo many, and
ſo extraordinary, that had his Inclination been weaker, or his
Apprehenſion leſſer, he could hardly have failed attaining more
than a Common Eminency in theſe Sciences.
For beſides the De­
luge of Learned and Vſeful Books, which the Preſſe at that
time ſent forth from all parts of EUROPE, he had the good
Fortune to fall into the Acquaintance, and under the Inſtruction
of the moſt Demonſtrative and moſt Familiar Man in the World,
the Famous GALILEO: whoſe ſucceſſe being no leſſe upon
this his Pupil than upon the reſt of thoſe Illuſtrious and Ingeni­
ous Perſons that reſorted from all parts to ſit under his Admi­
rable Lectures, he in a ſhort time attained to that Name in the
Mathematicks, that he was invited to ROME, Complemen­
ted, and Preferred by his then Holineſſe the Eighth URBAN,
upon his very firſt Acceſſion to the Papacy, which was in the
Year 1623.
§. This Pope being moved with a Paternal Providence for the
Concerns of his Subjects in that part of ITALY about BO­
ing between the Rivers of PO and RENO, which is part of
Lo Stato della Chieſa, or the Church Patrimony, appoints this
our CASTELLI in the Year 1625, to accompany the Right
Honourable Monſignore GORSINI (a moſt obſervant and
intelligent perſon in theſe affaires, and at that time Superinten­
dent of the General Draines, and Preſident of ROMAGNA)
in the Grand Viſitation which he was then ordered to make con­
cerning the diſorders occaſioned by the Waters of thoſe parts.
§. CASTELLI, having now an Opportunity to employ,
yea more, to improve ſuch Notions as he had imbued from the
Lectures of his Excellent MASTER, falls to his work with
all induſtry: and in the time that his Occaſions detained him in
ROMAGNA he perfected the Firſt Book of this his Diſ­
courſe concerning the Menſuration of Running Waters. He con­
feſſeth that he had ſome years before applyed himſelf to this part
of Practical Geometry, and from ſeveral Obſervations collected
part of that Doctrine which at this time he put into Method, and
which had procured him the Repute of ſo much Skill that he began

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