Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1der his Art the more profitable, he reduceth the lofty, and eaſie-to­
be-miſtaken Speculations of the Theory, into certain and facile
Directions for Practice; teaching us how to prevent and repaire
the Breaches of Seas, and Inundations of Rivers; to draine
and recover Fenns and Marches; to divert, conveigh and di­
ſtribute Waters for the Flowing and Stercoration of Grounds,
ſtrengthening of Fortifications, ſerving of Aquaducts, preſer­
ving of Health (by cleanſing Streets, and ſcowring Sewers) and
maintaining of Commerſe (by defending Bridges, cleering Ri­
vers, and opening Ports and Channels) with innumerable other
Benefits of the like nature.
And, that I may omit no circumſtance
that may recommend my Authour, the Fortune of this his Trea­
tiſe hath been ſuch, that as if he intended a Plus ultra by it,
or as if all men deſpaired to out-do it, or laſtly, as if CA­
STELLI hath been ſo great a Maſter that none have preſu­
med to take Pencil in hand for the finiſhing of what he Pour­
foild, this ſmall Tract like the Arabian Phœnix (of which it is
ſaid Unica ſemper Avis) did for ſeveral years together continue
ſingle in the World, till that to verifie it to be truly Phœnician,
it renewed its Age by undergoing a ſecond Impreſſion. And as if
this did not make out the Immortal vertue of it, it hath had
Anno 1660 a third Circulation, and riſen in this laſt Edition as
it were from the Vrne of its Authour; and that ſo improved by
the Addition of a ſecond part, that it promiſeth to perpetuate
his Merits to all Poſterity.
To be brief, the meer Fame of this
Work reſounded the Honourable Name of CASTELLI in­
to all the Corners of Italy, I may ſay of Europe; inſomuch,
that, in hopes to reap great benefit by his Art, the reſpective
Grandees of the adjacent Countries courted his Judgment and
Advice about their Draining of Fenns, Diverſion of Rivers,
Evacuation of Ports, Preventing of Inundations, &c.
So that
every Summer he made one or more of theſe Journies or Viſitati­
Particularly, the Senate of Venice conſulted him about their
Lake; to whom he delivered his Opinion in May 1641. and up­
on farther thoughts he preſented them with another Paper of Con­
ſiderations the 20 December following. Prince LEOPOLDO
of TUSCANY likewiſe requeſted his Advice in the begin­
ning of the enſuing year 1642, which occaſioned his Letter to
Father Franceſco di San Giuſeppe, bearing date February 1,
To which Signore Bartolotti oppoſing, he writes a ſecond Let­
ter, directed to one of the Commiſſioners of Sewers, vindicating
his former, and refuting Bartolotti, both which I here give
§. The Preferments which his Merits recommended him unto,
were firſt to be Abbot of Caſſino, from which he was removed

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