Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1York and Salisbury, &c: Our Ports are choaked and obſtructed
by Shelfes and Setlements: Our Fenns do in a great part lie waſte
and unimproved: Now all theſe may be (and, as I find by the
Confeſſion of ſome whoſe Practiſes upon the Copy of the Firſt
Book onely of our Authour hath got them both Money and Repu­
tation, in part have been) remedied by the Ways and Means he
here ſets down.
The truth is the Argument hath been paſt over
with an Vniverſal Silence; ſo that to this day I have not ſeen
any thing that hath been written Demonſtratively and with Ma­
thematical Certainty concerning the ſame, ſave onely what this
Learned Prelate hath delivered of his Own Invention in theſe
Treatiſes: who yet hath ſo fully and plainly handled the Whole
Doctrine, that I may affirm his Work to be every way abſolute.
muſt be confeſt the Demonſtration of the Second Propoſition of the
Second Book did not well pleaſe the Authour, and had he lived
he would have ſupplyed that defect, but being prevented by
Death, the Reader muſt content himſelf with the Mechanical
Proof that he giveth you of the truth of ſo Excellent a Con­
§. The other particular that I am to offer is, that out of my de­
ſire to contribute what lyeth in me to the compleating of this Piece
for Engliſh Practice, I have exeeded my promiſe not onely in gi­
ving you the Second and following Books which were not extant at
the time of tendring my Overtures, but alſo in that I have added
a Map or Plat of all the Rivers, Lakes, Fenns, &c.
thorow out the Work.
And if I have not kept touch in point of
Time, let it be conſidered that I am the Tranſlator and not the
To conclude, according to your acceptance of theſe my
endeavours, you may expect ſome other Tracts of no leſſe Profit
and Delight. Farewell.
T. S.

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