Vitruvius, M. Vitrvvivs Per Iocvndvm Solito Castigatior Factvs Cvm Figvris Et Tabvla Vt Iam Legi Et Intelligi Possit, 1511

Table of handwritten notes

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5724TERTIVS. 26[Figure 26]
Peripteros autem erit, quæ habebit in fronte & poſtico ſenas colũnas in la-
{us} angularib{us} vndenas, ita ut ſint colũnæ collocatæ, vtĩtercolũnii
ĩteruallũ ſit a parietib{us} circũ ad extremos ordĩes colũna℞, hẽat
circa cellã ædis, quẽadmodũ ĩ porticu metelli, Iouis ſtatoris,
, &
ad mariana honoris & virtutis ſine poſtico a mutio facta.
27[Figure 27]
Pſeudodipteros ãt ſic collocat{ur}, vt in frõte & poſtico ſint colũnæ octonæ, in
{us} ãgularib{us} ꝗndenæ, Sũt ãt parietes cellæ cõtra q̃ternas colũnas me-
ĩ frõte &
poſtico, Ita duo℞ ĩtercolũnio℞ et imæ craſſitudinis colũnæ
erit a parietib{us} circa ad extremos ordĩes colũna℞, Hui{us} exẽplar romæ
, ſed magneſiæ dianæ hermogenis alabãdi &
apollinis a mneſte facta.

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