Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950
page |< < of 679 > >|
1into the crucible, stirs it twice. Afterward he draws off the slags with a
rabble, which consists of an iron blade, wide and sharp, and of alder-wood;
the blade is a digit and a half in width and three feet long; the wooden handle
inserted in its hollow part is the same number of feet long, and the alder-wood
in which the blade is fixed must have the figure of a rhombus; it must be
three palms and a digit long, a palm and two digits wide, and a palm thick.
Subsequently he takes a broom and sweeps the charcoal dust and small coal
over the whole of the crucible, lest the copper should cool before it flows
together; then, with a third rabble, he cuts off the slags which may adhere
to the edge of the crucible.
The blade of this rabble is two palms long and
a palm and one digit wide, the iron part of the handle is a foot and three palms
long, the wooden part six feet.
Afterward he again draws off the slags
from the crucible, which the assistant does not quench by pouring water
upon them, as the other slags are usually quenched, but he sprinkles over
them a little water and allows them to cool.
If the copper should bubble,
he presses down the bubbles with the rabble.
Then he pours water on the wall
and the pipes, that it may flow down warm into the crucible, for, the
copper, if cold water were to be poured over it while still hot, would spatter
If a stone, or a piece of lute or wood, or a damp coal should then fall
into it, the crucible would vomit out all the copper with a loud noise like
thunder, and whatever it touches it injures and sets on fire.
Subsequently he
lays a curved board with a notch in it over the front part of the crucible; it
is two feet long, a palm and two digits wide, and a digit thick.
the copper in the crucible should be divided into cakes with an iron wedge­
shaped bar; this is three feet long, two digits wide, and steeled on the end
for the distance of two digits, and its wooden handle is three feet long.
places this bar on the notched board, and, driving it into the copper, moves

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