Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1ſo to be by the Signors of Bracciano to the Apoſtolick-Chamber;
and there was a meaſure thereof made at the beginning of the
Aqueduct; which meaſure proved afterwards much leſſe and
ſhort, conſidered and taken in Rome, and thence followed diſ­
contents and great diſorders, and all becauſe this property of
Running-Waters, of increaſing in meaſure, where the velocity
decreaſed; and of diminiſhing in meaſure, where the velocity
augmented, was not lookt into.
Alike errour, in my judgement, hath beeen committed by
all thoſe learned men, which to prevent the diverſion of
the Reno of Bologna into Po by the Channels, through
which it at preſent runneth, judged, that the Reno being in its
greater excreſcence about 2000 feet, and the Po being near
1000 feet broad, they judged, I ſay, that letting the Reno into
Po, it would have raiſed the Water of Po two feet; from which
riſe, they concluded afterwards moſt exorbitant diſorders, either
of extraordinary Inundations, or elſe of immenſe and intolera­
ble expences to the people in raiſing the Banks of Po and Reno,
and with ſuch like weakneſſes, often vainly diſturbed the minds
of the perſons concerned: But now from the things demonſtra­
ted, it is manifeſt, That the meaſure of the Reno in Reno, would
be different from the meaſure of Reno in Po; in caſe that the
velocity of the Reno in Po, ſhould differ from the velocity
of Reno in Reno, as is more exactly determined in the fourth Pro­
No leſs likewiſe are thoſe Ingeneers and Artiſts deceived,
that have affirmed, That letting the Reno into Po, there
would be no riſe at all in the Water of Po: For the truth
is, That letting Reno into Po, there would alwaies be a riſing; but
ſometimes greater, ſometimes leſſe, as the Po ſhall have a ſwifter
or ſlower Current; ſo that if the Po ſhall be conſtituted in a great
velocity, the riſe will be very ſmall; and if the ſaid Po ſhall be
ſlow in its courſe, then the riſe will be notable.
And here it will not be beſides the purpoſe to advertiſe, That
the meaſures, partments, and diſtributions of the Waters
of Fountains, cannot be made exactly, unleſs there be con­

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