Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of handwritten notes

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62The Epiſtle Dedicatory. Your Majeſties, (during the time and Reign
33[Handwritten note 3] of King Henry the Eighth) had been the ſub-
vvhich ſince, it died under the Deſig-
nation meerly:
There is nothing left, but
Your Majeſties Princely goodneſs, graciouſly
to accept of the undertakers Heart and In-
vvho vvas vvilling to have parted
for a vvhile vvith his darling Philoſophy, that
he might have attended Your Royal Com-
mandment in that other VVork.
Thus much
I have been bold, in all lovvlineſs to repreſent
unto Your Majeſty, as one that vvas truſted
vvith his Lordships VVritings, even to the
And as this VVork affecteth the Stamp
of Your Majeſties Royal Protection, to make
it more currant to the VVorld;
ſo under the
protection of this Work, I preſume in all
humbleneſs to approach Your Majeſties pre-
ſence, and to offer it up into Your Sacred
Your Majefties moſt Loyal
and Devoted Servant
W. Rawley.

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