Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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            <p type="head">
              <s>PROPOSITION III.</s>
            <p type="main">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              In two Sections unequal, through which paſs equal
              quantities of Water in equal times, the Sections
              have to one another, reciprocal proportion to their
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Let the two unequal Sections, by which paſs equal quantities
              of Water in equal times be A, the greater; and B, the leſſer:
              I ſay, that the Section A, ſhall have the ſame Proportion
              to the Section B, that reciprocally the velocity through B, hath to
              the velocity through A; for ſuppoſing that as the Water that
              paſſeth through A, is to that which paſſeth through B, ſo is the
                <figure id="id.040.01.608.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/608/1.jpg" number="41"/>
              line E to the line F: therefore the quantity of water which paſ­
              ſeth through A, being equal to that which paſſeth through B,
              the line E ſhall alſo be equal to the line F: Suppoſing moreover,
              That as the Section A, is to the Section B, ſo is the line F, to the
              line G; and becauſe the quantity of water which paſſeth
              through the Section A, is to that which paſſeth through the
              Section B, in a proportion compoſed of the proportions of the
              Section A, to the Section B, and of the velocity through A, to the
              velocity through B; therefore the line E, ſhall be the line to F, in
              a proportion compounded of the ſame proportions; namely, of
              the proportion of the Section A, to the Section B, and of the ve­
              locity through A, to the velocity through B; but the line E, hath
              to the line G, the proportion of the Section A, to the Section B,
              therefore the proportion remaining of the line G, to the line F,
              ſhall be the proportion of the velocity through A, to the velocity
              through B; therefore alſo the line G, ſhall be to the line E, as
              the velocity by A, to the velocity by B: And converſly, the ve­
              locity through B, ſhall be to the velocity through A, as the line
              E, to the line G; that is to ſay, as the Section A, to the Section B,
              and therefore in two Sections, &c. </s>
              <s>which was to be demonſtrated.</s>