Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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1being equally ſwift) ſhall be in proportion as the Section L N, to
the Section A F; that is, as D B, to A B; that is as the line S, to
the line T: Therefore by equal proportion, the quantity of the
water which runneth through D F, ſhall be in proportion to that
which runneth through A F, as R is to T; that is, compounded of
the proportions of the height D B, to the height A B, and of the
velocity through D F, to the velocity through A F; and therefore
if a River diſcharge a certain quantity, &c. which was to be de­
The ſame might have been demonſtrated by the ſecond
Propoſition above demonſtrated, as is manifeſt.
If two equal ſtreams of the ſame Torrent, fall into a
River at divers times, the heights made in the Ri­
ver by the Torrent, ſhall have between them­
ſelves the reciprocal proportion of the velocities
acquired in the River.
Let A and B, be two equal ſtreams of the ſame Torrent,
which falling into a River at divers times, make the heights
C D, and F G; that is the ſtream A, maketh the height
C D, and the ſtream B, maketh the height F G; that is, Let
their Sections in the River, into which they are fallen, be C E,
and FH; I ſay, that the height C D, ſhall be to the height F G,
in reciprocal proportion, as the velocity through F H, to the ve­
locity through C E; for the quantity of water which paſſeth
through A, being equal to the quantity which paſſeth through B,
in equal times; alſo the quantity which paſſeth through C E, ſhall
44[Figure 44]
be equal to that which paſſeth through F H: And therefore the
proportion that the Section C E, hath to the Section F H; ſhall
be the ſame that the velocity through F H, hath to the velocity
through C E; But the Section C E, is to the Section F H, as
C D, to F G, by reaſon they are of the ſame breadth: Therefore
C D, ſhall be to F G, in reciprocal proportion, as the velocity
through F H, is to the velocity through C E, and therefore if two
equal ſtreams of the ſame Torrent, &c. which was to be de­

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