Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[Item 1.]
[2.] SYLVA SYLVARUM, OR, A Natural Hiſtory, IN TEN CENTURIES. Whereunto is newly added, The Hiſtory Natural and Experimental of LIFE and DEATH, or of the Prolongation of LIFE. Publiſhed after the Authors Death, By William Rawley, Doctorin Divinity, One of His Majeſties Chaplains. Whereunto is added Articles of Enquiry, touch-ing Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis. Written by the Right Honorable FRANCIS Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. The Ninth and Last Edition, With an Alphabetical Table of the Principal Things contained in the Ten Centuries.
[3.] LONDON: rinted by J. R. for William Lee, and are to be Sold by the Bookſellers of London. 1670.
[4.] TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE CHARLES, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
[7.] Century II.
[8.] Century III.
[9.] Century IV.
[10.] Century V.
[11.] Century VI.
[12.] Century VII.
[13.] Century VIII.
[14.] Century IX.
[15.] Century X.
[16.] THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. BY WILLIAM RAWLEY. D D. His Lordſhips firſt and laſt Chaplain, and of late his Majeſties Chaplain in Ordinary.
[17.] LONDON, Printed by S. G. & E. G. for William Lee, and are to be ſold at the ſign of the Turks-Head in Fleet ſtreet, over againſt Fetter-Lane, 1670.
[18.] THE LIFE OF THE Right Honourable FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban.
[19.] Et quod tentabam ſcribere, Verſus erat,
[20.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century I.
[21.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century II.
[23.] Conſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[24.] Diſſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[25.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century IV.
[26.] NATURAL HISTORY Century V.
[27.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century VI.
[28.] --Teneriſque meos incidere Amores Arboribus, creſcent illæ, creſcetis Amores.
[29.] Grandia ſæpe quibus mandavimus Hordea Sulcis, Infœlix Lolium, & ſteriles dominatur Avenæ.
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6228Natural Hiſtory; ſo a great ſecret of Preſervation of Bodies from change; for if you can
prohibit, that they neither turn into Air, becauſe no Air cometh to them,
nor go into the Bodies Adjacent, becauſe they are utterly Heterogeneal, nor
make a round and circulation within themſelves;
they will never change,
though they be in their Nature never ſo periſhable or mutable.
We ſee how
Flies and Spiders, and the like, get a Sepulchre in Amber, more durable than
the Monument and Embalming of the Body of any King.
And Iconceive the
like will be of Bodies put into Quick-ſilver.
But then they muſt be but thin, as
a leaf or a peece of Paper or Parchment;
for if they have a greater craſſi-
tude, they will alter in their own Body, though they ſpend not.
But of this,
we ſhall ſpeak more when we handle the Title of Conſervation of Bodies.
3[Figure 3]

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