Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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            <p type="main">
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              which may be made in little, in great, or in very great; of
              which I make uſe frequently, to the admiration of ſuch as ſee it.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>I prepared an hundred Siphons, or, if you will, bowed Pipes,
              all equal; and placed them at the brim of a Veſſel, wherein the
              water is kept at one and the ſame level (whether all the Syphons
              work, or but a certain number of them) the mouths by which
              the water iſſueth being all placed in the ſame level, parallel to
              the Horizon; but lower in level than the water in the Veſſel; and
              gathered all the water falling from the Syphons into another
              Veſſel ſtanding lower than the former, I made it to run away
              thorow a Chanel, in ſuch manner inclined, that wanting water
              from the Syphons, the ſaid Chanel remained quite dry.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>And this done, I meaſured the quick height of the Chanel
              with care, and afterwards divided it exactly into 10 equal parts,
              and cauſing 19. of thoſe Syphons to be taken away, ſo that the
              Chanel did not run water, ſave onely with 81 of thoſe Syphons,
              I again obſerved the quick height of the water in the ſame ſite
              obſerved before, and found that its height was diminiſhed pre­
              ciſely the tenth part of all its firſt height; and thus continuing to
              take away 17. other Syphons, the height was likewiſe diminiſh­
              ed 1/1. of all its firſt quick height; and trying to take away 15.
              Syphons, then 13, then 11, then 9, then 7, then 5, and then 3.
              alwaies in theſe diverſions, made in order as hath been ſaid, there
              enſued ſtill an abatement of 1/1. of the whole height.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>And here was one thing worthy of obſervation, that the water
              encreaſing in [
                <emph type="italics"/>
              or through
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ] the Chanel, its quick height was diffe­
              rent in different ſites of the Chanel, that is ſtill leſſer, the more
              one approached to the Out-let; notwithſtanding which the abate­
              ment followed in all places proportionably, that is in all its ſites
              the firſt part of the height of that ſite diminiſhed: And more­
              over the water iſſued from the Chanel, and dilated into a broader
              courſe, from which likewiſe having divers Out-lets and Mouths;
              yet nevertheleſs in that breadth alſo the quick heights ſucceſſive­
              ly varied and altered in the ſame proportions. </s>
              <s>Nor did I here
              deſiſt my obſervation, but the water being diminiſhed, that iſſu­
              ed from the Syphons, and there being but one of them left that
              diſcharged water; I obſerved the quick height that it made in the
              above-ſaid ſites, (the which was likewiſe 1/1. of all the firſt height)
              there being added to the water of that Syphon, the water of
              three other Syphons; ſo that all the water was of 4 Syphons,
              and conſequently quadruple to the firſt Syphon; but the quick
              height was onely double, and adding five Siphons, the quick
              height became triple, and with adding ſeven Syphons, the height
              increaſed quadruple; and ſo by adding of 9. it increaſed quin­
              tuple, and by adding of 11. it increaſed ſextuple, and by ad­</s>