Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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Century II.
MUſick in the Practice, hath been well purſued, and in
in Conſort
good Variety;
but in the Theory, and eſpecially in
the yielding of the Cauſes of the Practick, very weak-
being reduced into certain Myſtical ſubtilties,
and not much truth.
We ſhall therefore, after our
manner, joyn the Contemplative and Active Part
All Sounds are either Muſical Sounds, which we call Tones; whereunto
22101.6969[Handwritten note 69] there may be an Harmony, which Sounds are ever equal:
As Singing, the
Sounds of Stringed, and Wind-Inſtruments, the Ringing of Bells, &
c. or
Immuſical Sounds, which are everunequal:
Such as are the Voice in Speak-
ing, all Whiſperings, all Voices of Beaſts and Birds (except they be Sing-
ing Birds;)
all Percuſſions, of Stones, Wood, Parchment, Skins, (as in
Drums) and infinite others.
The Sounds that produce Tones, are ever from ſuch Bodies as are in
33102. their Parts and Pores equal;
as well as the Sounds themſelves are equal:
And ſuch are the Percuſſions of Metal, as in Bells; of Glaß, as in the ſillip-
ping of a Drinking Glaß;
of Air, as in Mens Voices whileſt they ſing, in Pipes,
VVhiſtles, Organs, Stringed Inſtruments, &
c. And of Water, as in the Nightin-
gals Pipes of Regals, or Organs, and other Hydraulicks, which the Ancients
and Nero did ſo much eſteem, but are now loſt. And if any Manthink,
that the String of the Bow, and the String of the Vial, are neither of them
equal Bodies, and yet produce Tones;
he is in an error. For the Sound is
not created between the Bow or Plectrum, and the String;
but between the
String and the Air;
no more than it is between the Finger or Quill, and the
String in other Inſtruments.
So there are (in effect) but three Percußions

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