Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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Book^{*} of the meaſure of Running Watets;) but yet doth not
run thorowout with the ſame velocity: Hence it is, that the vul­
gar meaſures of the ſaid River, in divers parts of its Chanel, are
alwaies divers; inſomuch, that if a River paſſing through its cha­
nel had ſuch velocity, that it ran 100 Braces in the 1/60 of an hour­
and afterwards the ſaid River ſhould be reduced to ſo much tardi,
ty of motion, as that in the ſame time it ſhould not run more than
one Brace, it would be neceſſary that that ſame River ſhould be­
come 100. times bigger in that place where it was retarded; I
mean, 100. times bigger than it was in the place where it was
And let it be kept well in mind, that this point rightly
underſtood, will clear the underſtanding to diſcover very many
accidents worthy to be known.
But for this time let it ſuffice,
that we have onely declared that which makes for our purpoſe,
referring apprehenſive and ſtudious Wits to the peruſal of my
aforenamed Treatiſe; for therein he ſhall finde profit and delight
both together.
* He here intends
the Demonſtrati­
ons following, at
the end of the firſt
Now applying all to our principal intent, I ſay, That by what
hath been declared it is manifeſt, that if the Brent were 40. Bra­
ces broad, and 2 1/2 high, in ſome one part of its Chanel, that after­
wards the ſame Water of the Brent falling into the Lake, andpaſ­
ſing thorow the ſame to the Sea, it ſhould loſe ſo much of its ve­
locity, that it ſhould run but one Brace, in the time wherein
whilſt it was in its Chanel at the place aforeſaid, it ran 100. Bra­
It would be abſolutely neceſſary, that increaſing in mea­
ſure, it ſhould become an hundred times ^{*} thicker; and therefore

if we ſhould ſuppoſe that the Lake were 20000. Braces, the
Brent that already hath been ſuppoſed in its Chanel 100. Braces,
being brought into the Lake, ſhould be 100. times 100. Brates;
that is, ſhall be 10000. Braces in thickneſs, and conſequently ſhall
be in height half a Brace; that is, 100/200 of a Brace, and not 1/2. of a
Brace, as was concluded in the Argument.
* Deeper.
Now one may ſee into what a groſs errour of 99. in 100. one
may fall through the not well underſtanding the true quantity
of Running Water, which being well underſtood, doth open a
direct way to our judging aright in this moſt conſiderable affair.
And therefore admitting that wich hath been demonſtrated,
I fay, that I would (if it did concern me) greatly encline to con­
ſult upon the returning of the Brent again into the Lake: For it
being moſt evident, that the Brent in the Chanel of its mouth, is
much ſwifter than the Brent being brought into the Lake, it will
certainly follow thereupon, that the thickneſs of the Water of
Brent in the Lake, ſhall be ſo much greater than that of Brent in
Brent, by how much the Bront in Brent is ſwifter than thh Brent
in the Lake.

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