Weidler, Johann Friedrich, Jo. Friderici Weidleri Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi et aliis rarioribus similibus in quo mensurae prope ipsas machinas notatae describuntur, et de viribus earum luculenter disseritur

Table of handwritten notes

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6454CAPVT IV. lo continuat, et ſemetipſam moderatur. Hanc for-
11Fig. XVII.
Tab. 3. &
Tab. 4.
mam, prouti Londini nuper perſpicua imagine reprae-
ſentata et explicata eſt, proferam Figura 17, una cum
interpretatione obſeruationum anglicarum picturae ad-
ditarum, et cogitationibus quibusdam ſingularibus,
quae ad eiusdem machinae ſtructuram plenius intelli-
gendam ſpectant.
A Deſcription of the Engine for raiſing vvater by Fire.
A The Fire place.
B. A. large Boiler or alembic, three parts full of wa-
ter, the Steam wereof is confined by a cloſe ſpherical
Top, and kept of a due uniform force.
C. A Braſſ cylinder, woſe diameter is more or leſſ,
according to the Depth and Quantity of water, to be
drawn in ſuch proportion, that the Preſſure of
the atmoſphere upon the area of its baſe may over-
poiſe and raiſe the pillar of water with a proper ve-
D. The Pipe thro which the Steam paſſes from the
Boiler into the cylinder.
E. The axis of the regulator, that opens and ſhuts
that End of the Pipe D, within the Boiler, wich re-
gulates the whole motion of the Engine, by permit-
ting the Steam, to aſcend and puſh up, or ſuffer the
Piſton to riſe, and confining the Steam when riſen,
in order to its condenſation, by an injection of cold
water, which making a Vacuum there, the pi-
ſton is immediately depreſſed by the Wight of the
F. A loaded Value, which giues Vent to the Steam
of the Boiler, in caſe it grows to ſtrong.
G. Two Gage Cocks with their Pipes, on of
which goes down, ſo far into the Boiler, as to be,

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