Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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1thereof at the command of the Elector and sent it to him when finished, but it was never
published as written by Agricola.
Albinus, Hofmann, and Struve give some details of letters
in reference to it.
Fabricius in a letter27 dated Nov. 11, 1536 asks Meurer to send Agricola
some material for it; in a letter from Fabricius to Meurer dated Oct.
30, 1554, it appears
that the Elector had granted Agricola 200 thalers to assist in the work.
After Agricola's
death the material seems to have been handed over to Fabricius, who made use of it (as he
states in the preface) in preparing the work he was commissioned by the Elector to write,
the title of which was, Originum illustrissimae stirpis Saxonicae Libri, and was published in
Leipzig, 1597. It includes on page 880 a fragment of a work entitled Oratio de rebus Gestis
Ernesti et Alberti Ducum Saxoniae, by Agricola.
The following works have been at one time or another wrongly attributed to Georgius
Galerazeya sive Revelator Secretorum De Lapide Philosophorum, Cologne, 1531 and
1534, by one Daniel Agricola, which is merely a controversial book with a catch-title, used
by Catholics for converting heretics.
Rechter Gebrauch der Alchimey, a book of miscellaneous receipts which treats very
slightly of transmutation.28
Chronik der Stadt Freiberg by a Georg Agricola (died 1630), a preacher at Freiberg.
Dominatores Saxonici, by the same author.
Breviarum de Asse by Guillaume Bude.
De Inventione Dialectica by Rudolph Agricola.

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