Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1tity of the Water that entereth into the Lake, by the means that
I have ſhewen in the beginning of this Book: When he ſhall
have found the proportion of the quantity of water to the quan­
tity of Sand or Mud, he ſhall come to know how much Sand the
Brent ſhall leave in the Lake in the ſpace of a year. But to
perform theſe things, there are required perſons of diſcretion, and
fidelity, and that are imployed by publick Order; for there
would thence reſult eminent benefit and profit.
Here are wanting LETTERS from ſeveral perſons.
To the Reverend Father, Franceſco di
In execution of the command that you laid upon me in your
former Letters, by order from the moſt Serene, my Lord,
Prince Leopold; that I ſhould ſpeak my judgment concern­
ing the diſimboguement of the River called Fiume morto, whe­
ther it ought to be let into the Sea, or into Serchio; I ſay, that
I chanced 18. years ſince to be preſent, when the ſaid Mouth was
opened into the Sea, and that of Serchio ſtopt; which work was
done to remedy the great Innundation that was made in all that
Country, and Plain of Piſa, that lyeth between the River Arno,
and the Mountains of S. Giuliano, and the River Serchio; which
Plain continued long under water, inſomuch that not onely in the
Winter, but alſo for a great part of the Summer, thoſe fields
were overflowed; and when that the Mouth of Fiume morto was
effectually opened into the Sea, the place was preſently freed from
the waters.
and drained, to the great ſatisfaction of the Owners
of thoſe Grounds.
And here I judge it worth your notice, that
for the generality of thoſe that poſſeſs eſtates in thoſe parts, they
deſired that the Mouth of Fiume morto might ſtand open to the
Sea, and thoſe who would have it open into Serchio, are perſons
that have no other concernment there, ſave the hopes of gaining
by having the diſpoſe of Commiſſions, and the like, &c,
But for the more plain underſtanding of that which is to be
ſaid, it muſt be known, That the reſolution of opening the ſaid
Mouth into Serchio, was taken in the time of the Great Duke
Ferdinando the firſt, upon the ſame motives that are at this time
again propoſed, as your Letters tell me, Since that, it manifeſt­
ly appearing, that Fiume morto had, and hath its Mouth open to
the Sea, the Plain hathbeen kept dry; and it being alſo true, that

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