Archimedes, Natation of bodies, 1662

Table of figures

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[Figure 61]
[Figure 62]
[Figure 63]
[Figure 64]
[Figure 65]
[Figure 66]
[Figure 67]
[Figure 68]
[Figure 69]
[Figure 70]
[Figure 71]
[Figure 72]
[Figure 73]
[Figure 74]
[Figure 75]
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171[Figure 71]
ſtanding as before, we will again
demonſtrate, that N T is equall to
V I; and that the Portions A V Q
and A N Z are equall to each other.
Therefore, in regard, that in the
Equall and Like Portions A V Q L
and A N Z G, there are drawn
A Q and A Z cutting off equall Por­
tions, they ſhall with the Diameters
of the Portions, contain equall
Therefore, in the Triangles
N L S and V ω C, the Angles at
the Points L and ω are equall; and the Right Line B S equall to
B C; S R to C R; N X to V H; and X T to H I: And, ſince
V Y is double to Y I, N X ſhall be greater than double of X T.
Let therefore, N M be double to M T. It is hence again manifeſt,
that the Portion will not remain, but ſhall incline on the part
towards A: But it was ſuppoſed, that the ſaid Portion did
touch the Surface of the Liquid in one ſole Point: Therefore,
its Baſe muſt of neceſſity ſubmerge farther into the Liquid.
If the Portion have leſſer proportion in Gravity to
the Liquid, than the Square F P to the Square
B D, being demitted into the Liquid, and in­
clined, ſo, as that its Baſe touch not the Liquid,
it ſhall ſtand ſo inclined, as that its Axis ſhall
make an Angle with the Surface of the Liquid,
leſſe than the Angle ψ; And its Baſe ſhall
not in the leaſt touch the Liquids Surface.
Finally, let the Portion have leſſer proportion to the Liquid
in Gravity, than the Square F P hath to the Square B D; and
as the Portion is in Gravity to the Liquid, ſo let the
Square made of the Line ψ be to the Square B D. ψ ſhall be
leſſer than P F. Again, apply any Right Line as G I, falling
betwixt the Sections A G Q L and A X D, and parallel to B D;
and let it cut the Middle Conick Section in the Point H, and

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