Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

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1 Proportion of lead in rich silver copper 509 LIQUATION CAKES, EXHAUSTED 521—526; 406; 492; 520 LIQUATION SLAGS 509; 492; 541 Furnaces for 507 Treatment of 541 LIQUATION THORNS 522; 539; 492; 539; 540 From cupellation 543; 543 From “drying” copper residues 529 LITHARGE (see also Cupellation) 475; 232—238; 466; 476; 110; 222 Use in reducing silver nitrate 447 Use in smelting 379; 398; 400 Lithargyrum (see Litharge). LODESTONE 115; 111; 115; 2 Compass 57 Los Pozos de Anibal 42 Lotores (see Washers). LUSITANIA. Gold alluvial 347 Sluices for gold washing 325 Tin smelting 419 LUTE 1 Preparation of for furnace linings 375—376 LYDIA. Mining law 83 The King's mines 27 LYE 558; 221; 233 Use in making fluxes 236 Use in parting 463 Magister Metallicorum (see Bergmeister). Magister Monetariorum (see Master of the Mint). Magnes (see also Lodestone and Man-ganese) 584; 111; 115; 584 MAGNET 247 Garlic 39 Magnetis (see Mica). MAGNETITE 111 MALACHITE 109; 221 MALADIES OF MINERS 214—217 MALTHA 581 MANAGER (see Mine Manager). MANGANESE 586; 354 MANNSFELD COPPER SLATES 126—127; 279; 127; 273 MAP-MAKING 129 MARBLE 115; 2; 114 MARCASITE 111; 112; 409 Marga (see Marl). MARIENBERG XXXI; VI. MARL 114 MARMELSTEIN (see Marble). Marmor (see Marble). Marmor alabastrites (see Alabaster). Marmor glarea 114 MASSICOT (see also Lead Ochre) 110; 221; 232 MASTER OF THE HORSE 81 MASTER OF THE MINT 95; 78 MATTE (see Cakes of Melted Pyrites). MATTE SMELTING 404—407 MEASURE (unit of mining area) 78; 78 MEASURES 616—617; 78; 550 MEDICINE. Knowledge necessary for miners 3 Medulla saxorum (see Porcelain Clay). MEER 77—89 Boundary stones 87 On vena cumulata 87 On vena dilatata 86 MEISSEN. Duraps from mines 312 Melanteria 117; 112; 573 Indication of copper 116 MELANTERITE 111 MELOS, ISLAND OF 566 Menning (see Red-lead). Mergel (see Marl). METALS 2; 44; 51 Advantages and uses 19; 20 Necessity to man XXV; 12—13 Not responsible for evil passions 15 Metreta 153 MEXICO Patio process 297 MICA 114 MIDDLE AGES, MINING LAW OF 84 MILLS FOR GRINDING ORE 294—299; 280 MIMES (see also Gnomes) 217 MINE CAPTAIN 26; 77 MINE MANAGER 97; 98; 77; 78 MINERAL KINGDOM, AGRICOLA'S DIVISIONS OF 1 MINERALS 594; 108; 48; 51 Compound 2; 51 Mixed 2; 51 MINERS 1—4; 25; 78 Duties and punishments 100; 22 Law (see Mining Law). Litigation among 21 Slaves as 23 MINES. Abandonment of 217 Conditions desirable 30—33 Investments in 26—29 Management of 25; 26 Names of 42 MINES ROYAL, COMPANY OF 283 MINING (see also Sett, Lease, Claim, Meer, etc.). Criticisms of 4—12 Harmless and honourable 14; 20; 23 Methods of breaking ore 117—118 Stoping 125 MINING CLERK 93; 95; 96; 78 MINING COMPANIES (see Companies, Mining). MINING FOREMAN 98—99; 78 Frauds by 21—22 MINING LAW 82—86 Boundary stones 87 Drainage requirements 92—93 England 84—86 Europe 84 Forfeiture of title 92—93 France 84 Greek and Roman 83 Middle Ages 84—85 Right of Overlord, Landowner, State and Miner 82 Tunnels 88—89 MINING PREFECT 26; 94; 78 MINING RIGHTS (see Mining Law andMeer). MINING TERMS, OLD ENGLISH 77; 101 MINING TOOLS 149—153 Buckets for ore 153—154 Buckets for water 157 Trucks 156 Wheelbarrows 155 Minium 111 Quicksilver from 433 Red-lead 232 Minium secundarium (see Red-lead). MISPICKEL (Mistpuckel) 111 Misy (the mineral) 573; 111; 403 An indication of copper 116 Use in parting gold and silver 459 Mitlere und obere offenbrüche (seeFurnace Accretions). Modius 617; 405 MOGLITZ. Tin working 318 MOIL 150 Molybdaena 110; 221; 476; 400; 408 Term for lead carbonates 400; 408 Molybdenite 477 Monetarius (see Coiners). MONEY, ASSAYING OF 251—252 MORANO GLASS FACTORIES 592 MORAVIA. Cupellation 483 Stamp-milling 321 Washing gold ore 324 MORDANTS 569 MORTAR-BOX 279—280; 312; 319; 267

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