Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

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1 Suction 175—188 Purgator argents (see Silver Refiner). PURSER 77 PUTROLI 501 PYRARGYRITK 109 Pyriten argenium 408 PYRITES (see also Cakes of Melted Pyrites) 51; 111; 112; 1 As a flux 234 Assay for gold 243 In tin concentrates 348 Latin and German terms 222 Roasting 273—274 Roasting cakes of 349—351 Smelting for gold and silver 399; 401 Used in making vitriol 578 Pyrites aerosus (see Copper Pyrites). Pyrites aurei coloris (see Copper Pyrites). QUARTZ (see also Stones which easily melt) 114 As a flux 380 An indication of ore 116 Material of glass 380 Silver ore 113 Smelting of 401 Quarzum (see Quartz). QUERTZE 380 QUICKSILVER 432; 2; 354; 111 Amalgamation of gilt objects 461 Amalgamation of gold dust 396 Amalgamation of gold ores 297; 297 Assaying methods 247 Ore 426—432 Use in assaying gold ore 243 RAG AND CHAIN PUMPS 188—200 RAKE VEINS 101 RAMMELSBERG. Collapse of mines 216 Discovery 37 Early vitriol making 572 Rauchstein 127 REALGAR 1; 111; 222 Colour of fumes 235 Harmful to metals 273 Indication of ore 116 Roasted from ore 273 Rederstein (see Trochitis). RED-LEAD 232; 110; 222 Use in parting gold from copper 463 Use in parting gold from silver 459 REFINED SALT 454; 463; 233 REFINERY FOR SILVER AND COPPER 491—498 REFINING GOLD FROM COPPER 462—464 REFINING GOLD FROM SILVER 443—458 REFINING-HEARTH 492 REFINING SILVER 483—490; 465; 484 REFINING SILVER FROM LEAD 464 REFORMATION, THE V; VIII. RE-OPENING OF OLD MINES 217 REVIVAL OF LEARNING. Agricola's position in XIII. REWARD LEASE, IN AUSTRALIAN LAW 77 RHAETIA 388 RHAETIAN ALPS. Stamp milling in 319 RING-FIRE 448 RIO TINTO MINES. Roman methods of smelting 405 Roman water-wheels 149 RISKS OF MINING 28—29 RITHER (a horse) 101 ROASTED COPPER 233; 233; 222 ROASTING 273—279; 267 Heap roasting 274—275 In furnaces 276 Mattes 349—351 Prior to assaying 231 ROCKS 119; 2 ROCK-SALT 548; 222 Use in cementation 454 ROMAN ALUM 565 ROMANS. Amalgamation 297 Antimony 428 Brass making 410 Companies 90 Copper smelting 404—405 Mining law 83 Minium Company 232 Quicksilver 433 Roasting 267 Silver-lead smelting 392 Washing of ore 281 ROSETTE COPPER 538; 535 Rosgeel (see Realgar). RUBY COPPER 109; 402 RUBY SILVER 51; 109 Assaying of 244 Cupellation 473 Rudis Ores 108 RUST (see Iron-rust). SABINES 9 Saigerdörner (see Liquation Thorns). Saigerwerk (see Stannum). Salamander har (see Asbestos). Salamis, Battle of 27 Sal-ammoniac 560; 560; 222 In cements for parting gold and silver 454—457 In making aqua valens 441 Uses in cupellation 474 Uses in making aqua regia 460 Uses in parting gold from copper 463 Sal artificiosus 236; 463; 236 In assaying 242 As a flux 234 SALT 545; 556; 546; 233; 222 As a flux 234—238 Pans 545; 546 Solidified juice 1 Use in cementation 454; 454 Use in parting gold from copper 463; 464 Use in smelting ores 396; 400 Wells 546—547 SALT MADE FROM ASHES OF MUSK IVY 560; 233 Sal torrefactus 242; 222; 233 Sal tostus 233; 233; 222 SALTPETRE 561—564; 561; 562; 222 As a flux 233; 236—238; 245; 247 In smelting gold concentrates 398 Uses in cementation 454; 454 Uses in making nitric acid 439; 440; 447; 454 Uses in melting silver nitrate 447 SAMPLING COPPER BULLION 249 SAND 117 Sandaraca (see Realgar). SANDIVER (see Glass-galls). Sarda (see Carnelian). SAXONY. High Peak customs from 77; 85 Political state in Agricola's time. VIII; IX. Reformation IX. Saxum calcis (see Limestone). SCALES OF FINENESS 253; 617 SCAPTE-HYLE, MINES OF 23 SCHEMNITZ. Age of mines 5 Gunpowder for blasting 119 Pumps 194 SCHIST 222 Schistos (see Ironstone). SCHLACKENWALD. Ore washing 304 SCHMALKALDEN LEAGUE IX. SCHMALKALDEN WAR IX; X. SCHNEEBERG XXXI; VI. Cobalt 435 Depth of shafts 102 Ore stamping 281 Shares 91 St. George mine 92; 74; 75 Schwartz-atrament (see Melanteria and Sory).

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