Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1paſſing Bank or Dam towards S. Martino, and that of its new
Chanel on the right hand neer to Torre del Fondo.
By the breaches on this ſide it ſtreamed out in great abun­
dance from the upper part of Cominale, and in the parts about
Raveda, Pioggio, Caprara, Chiare di Reno, Sant' Agoſtino, San
Proſpero, San Vincenzo, and others, and made them to become
incultivable: it made alſo thoſe places above but little fruitful,
by reaſon of the impediments that their Draines received, finding
the Conveyances called Riolo and Scorſuro, not only filled by la
Motta and la Belletta, but that they turned backwards of them­
But by the Mouths in the incloſing Bank or Dam at Borgo di
S. Martino iſſuing with violence, it firſt gave obſtruction to the
ancient Navigation of la Torre del la Foſſa, and afterwards to
the moderne of the mouth of Maſi, ſo that at preſent the Com­
merce between Bologna and Ferrara is loſt, nor can it ever be
in any durable way renewed, whilſt that this exceeds its due
bounds, and what ever moneys ſhall be imployed about the ſame
ſhall be without any equivalent benefit, and to the manifeſt

and notable prejudice of the ^{*} Apoſtolick Chamber.
* The Popes
Thence paſſing into the Valley of Marzara, it ſwelleth high­
er, not only by the riſing of the water, but by the raiſing of the
bottome, by reaſon of the matter ſunk thither after Land­
floods, and dilateth ſo, that it covereth all the Meadows there­
abouts, nor doth it receive with the wonted facility the Drains of
the upper Grounds, of which the next unto it lying under the wa­
ters that return upwards by the Conveyances, and the more re­
mote, not finding a paſſage for Rain-waters that ſettle, become
either altogether unproſitable or little better.
From this Valley, by the Trench or Ditch of Marzara, or of
la Duca by la Buova, or mouth of Caſtaldo de Roſſi, and by the
new paſſage it falleth into the Po of Argenta, which being to re­
ceive it clear, that ſo it may ſink farther therein, and receiving
it muddy, becauſe it hath acquired a quicker courſe, there will
ariſe a very contrary effect.
Here therefore the ſuperficies of the water keeping high, until
it come to the Sea, hindereth the Valleys of Ravenna, where
the River Senio, thoſe of San Bernardino where Santerno was
turned, thoſe of Buon' acquiſto, and thoſe of Marmorto, where
the Idice, Quaderna, Sellero ſall in, from ſwallowing and taking
in their Waters by their uſual In-lets, yet many times, as I my
ſelf have ſeen in the Viſitation, they drink them up plentifully,
whereupon, being conjoyned with the muddineſſe of thoſe Ri­
vers that fall into the ſame, they ſwell, and dilate, and overflow
ſome grounds, and deprive others of their Drains in like manner

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