Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1as hath been ſaid of that of Marrara, inſomuch that from the
Point of S. Giorgio, as far as S. Alberto all thoſe that are between
the Valleys and Po are ſpoiled, of thoſe that are between Valley
and Valley many are in a very bad condition, and thoſe that are
ſome conſiderable ſpace above not a little damnified.
In fine, by raiſing the bottom or ſand of the Valleys, and the
bed of Reno, and the too great repletion of the Po of Primaro
with waters, the Valleys of Comacchio (on which ſide the Banks
are very bad) and ^{*} Poleſine di S. Giorgio are threatned with a

danger, that may in time, if it be not remedied, become irrepa­
rable, and at preſent feeleth the incommodity of the Waters,
which penetrating thorow the pores of the Earth do ſpring up in
the ſame, which they call Purlings, which is all likely to redound
to the prejudice of Ferrara, ſo noble a City of Italy, and ſo im­
portant to the Eccleſtaſtick State.
+ Poleſine is a
plat of Ground al­
moſt ſurrounded
with Bogs or wa­
ters, like an Iſland
Which particulars all appear to be atteſted under the hand of
a Notary in the Viſitation which I made upon the command of
His Holineſſe, and are withall known to be true by the ^{*}Ferrareſt

themſelves, of whom (beſides the requeſt of the Bologneſi) the
greater part beg compaſſion with ſundry Memorials, and reme­
dies, aſwell for the miſchiefs paſt, as alſo for thoſe in time to
come, from which I hold it a duty of Conſcience, and of Cha­
rity to deliver them.
* People of Fer­
Pope Clement judged, that the ſufficient means to effect this
was the ſaid Introduction of the Main Po into the Chancl of
Ferrara; a reſolution truly Heroical, and of no leſſe beauty
than benefit to that City, of which I ſpeak not at preſent, be­
cauſe I think that there is need of a readier and more acco­
modate remedy.
So that I ſee not how any other thing can be ſo much conſide­
rable as the removal of Reno, omitting for this time to ſpeak of

^{*} incloſing it from Valley to Valley untill it come to the Sea, as
the Dukes of Ferrara did deſign, foraſmuch as all thoſe Ferra­
reſi that have intereſt in the Poleſine di S. Giorgio, and on the
right hand of the Po of Argenta do not deſire it, and do, but too
openly, proteſt againſt it; and becauſe that before the Chanel
were made as far as the Sea, many hundreds of years would be
ſpent, and yet would not remedy the dammages of thoſe who
now are agrieved, but would much increaſe them, in regard the
Valleys would continue ſubmerged, the Drains ſtopped, and the
other Brooks obſtructed, which would of neceſſity drown not a
few Lands that lie between Valley and Valley; and in fine, in
regard it hath not from San Martina to the Sea for a ſpace of ſif­
ty miles a greater fall then 19, 8, 6, feet, it would want that force
which they themſelves who propound this project do require it to

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