Archimedes, Natation of bodies, 1662

Table of figures

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[Figure 51]
[Figure 52]
[Figure 53]
[Figure 54]
[Figure 55]
[Figure 56]
[Figure 57]
[Figure 58]
[Figure 59]
[Figure 60]
[Figure 61]
[Figure 62]
[Figure 63]
[Figure 64]
[Figure 65]
[Figure 66]
[Figure 67]
[Figure 68]
[Figure 69]
[Figure 70]
[Figure 71]
[Figure 72]
[Figure 73]
[Figure 74]
[Figure 75]
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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="073/01/067.jpg" pagenum="401"/>
              the Right Line R Y in Y. </s>
                <figure id="id." xlink:href="073/01/067/1.jpg" number="72"/>
              ſhall demonſtrate G H to be double
              to H I, as it hathbeen demonſtra­
              ted, that O G is double to G X.
              <s>Then draw G
                <foreign lang="grc">ω</foreign>
              touching the Section
              A G Q L in G; and G C perpen di­
              cular to B D; and drawing a Line
              from A to I, prolong it to
                <expan abbr="q.">que</expan>
              A I ſhall be equall to I
                <expan abbr="q;">que</expan>
              A Q parallel to G
                <foreign lang="grc">ω.</foreign>
              It is to be
              demonſtrated, that the Portion being
              demitted into the Liquid, and inclined, ſo, as that its Baſe touch
              the Liquid, it ſhall ſtand ſo incli­
                <figure id="id." xlink:href="073/01/067/2.jpg" number="73"/>
              ned, as that its Axis ſhall make
              an Angle with the Surface of the
              Liquid leſſe than the Angle
                <foreign lang="grc">φ;</foreign>
              and its Baſe ſhall not in the leaſt
              touch the Liquids Surface. </s>
              let it be demitted into the Liquid,
              and let it ſtand, ſo, as that its Baſe
              do touch the Surface of the Liquid
              in one Point only: and the Portion
              being cut thorow the Axis by a
              Plane erect unto the Surface of the Liquid, let the Section of
                <figure id="id." xlink:href="073/01/067/3.jpg" number="74"/>
              the Portion be A N Z L, the Section
              of a Rightangled Cone; that of
              the Surface of the Liquid A Z; and
              the Axis of the Portion and Dia­
              meter of the Section B D; and let
              B D be cut in the Points K and R
              as hath been ſaid above; and draw
              N F parallel to A Z, and touching
              the Section of the Cone in the Point
              N; and N T parallel to B D; and
              N S perpendicular to the ſame. </s>
              cauſe, now, that the Portion is in Gravity to the Liquid, as
              the Square made of
                <foreign lang="grc">ψ</foreign>
              is to the Square B D; and ſince that as the
              Portion is to the Liquid in Gravity, ſo is the Square N T to the
              Square B D, by the things that have been ſaid; it is plain, that
              N T is equall to the Line
                <foreign lang="grc">ψ</foreign>
              : And, therefore, alſo, the Portions
              A N Z and A G Q are equall. </s>
              <s>And, ſeeing that in the Equall and
              Like Portions A G Q L and A N Z L; there are drawn from the
              Extremities of their Baſes, A Q and A Z which cut off equall Porti­
              ons: It is obvious, that with the Diameters of the Portions they </s>