Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

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1 BIRINGUCCIO, VANNUCCIO 614 Agricola indebted to XXVII Amalgamation of silver ores 297 Assaying 220 Assay ton 242 Brass making 410 Clarifving nitric acid 443 Copper refining 536 Copper smelting 405 Cupellation 466 Liquation 494 Managanese 586 Parting precious metals 451; 461; 462 Roasting 267 Steel making 420 Zaffre 112 BOECKH, AUGUST 28 BOERHAAVE, HERMANN XXIX BORLASE, W. C. Bronze celts 411 BORLASE, WILLIAM. Cornish miners in Germany 283 BORN, IGNAZ EDLER VON 300 BOUSSINGAULT, J. B. 454 BOYLE, ROBERT. Divining rod 38 BROUGH, BENNETT 129 BRUCE, J. C. 392 BRUNSWICK, DUKE HENRY OF. (See Henry, Duke of Brunswick). BUDAEUS, WILLIAM (Guillaume Bude) 461; 606 CADMUS 27 CALBUS (see also Nützlich Bergbüchlin), 610; XXVI; XXVII Alluvial gold 75 CALIGULA. Gold from auripigmentum 111 CALLIDES (alchemist) XXVII; XXVIII CALLIMACHUS. On wealth 19 CAMERARIUS VIII CANIDES (alchemist) XXVII; XXVIII CAREW, RICHARD. Cornish mining law 85 Cornish ore-dressing 282 CARLYLE, W. A. Ancient Rio Tinto smelting 405 CARNE, JOSEPH. Cornish cardinal points 57 CASIBROTIUS, LEONARDUS VI Castigationes in Hippocratem et Galenum 605 CASTRO, JOHN DE 570 CHABAS, F. J. 129 CHALONER, THOMAS 570 CHANES (alchemist) XXVII; XXVIII CHARLES V. OF SPAIN IX Agricola sent on mission to X CHEVREUL, M. E. 38 Chronik der Stadt Freiberg 606 CICERO. Divining rod 38 Wealth of 15 CINCINNATUS L. QUINTIUS 23 CIRCE. Magic rod 40 CLEOPATRA. As an alchemist XXVII; XXIX COLLINS, A. L. 119 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER V COLUMELLA, MODERATUS XXV; XXVI COMERIUS XXVII; XXIX Commentariorum...Libri VI. 604 CONRAD (Graf Cuntz von Glück) 23; 24 CORDUBA, DON JUAN DE 300 CORTES, HERNANDO V CRAMER, JOHN 236 CRASSUS, MARCUS Love of gold 9 CRATES, THE THEBAN. Money despised by 15 CROESUS, KING OF LYDIA. Mines owned by 26; 27 CTESIAS. Divining rod 38 CTESIBIUS. Machines 149 CURIO, CLAUDIUS. Love of gold 9 CURIUS, MARCUS. Gold of Samnites 9; 15 DANA, J. D. 108 Alum 566 Copiapite 574 Emery 115 Lemnian earth 31 Minerals of Agricola 594 Zinc vitriol 572 DANAE. Jove and 10 D'ARCET, J. Parting with sulphuric acid 462 DAY, ST. JOHN V. Ancient steel making 423 De Animantibus Subterraneis 597; VII Editions 600 Gnomes 217; 217 De Bello adversus Turcam 605 De Inventione Dialectica 606 De Jure et Legibus Metallicis 100; 604 De Medicatis Fontibus 605 De Mensuris et Ponderibus 597 Editions 599 Weights and measures 264; 78 De Metallis et Machinis 604 Democritus (alchemist) XXVII; XXVIII DEMOSTHENES. Mt. Laurion mines 27; 83 De Natura eorum quae Effluunt ex Terra 598; 32 Dedication VIII Editions 600 De Natura Fossilium 594; 600; III; XII Alum 565 Amber 35 Antimony 429 Argol 234 Arsenical minerals 111 Asbestos 440 Bismuth 110 Bitumen 581 Borax 560 Brass making 410 Cadmia 113 Caldarium copper 511 Camphor 238 Chrysocolla 584 Coal 35 Cobalt 112 Copper flowers 539; 233 Copper scales 233 Crinoid stems 115 Emery 115 Fluorspar 380 Goslar ores 273 Goslar smelting 408 Iron ores 111 Iron smelting 420 Jet 34 Lapis judaicus 115 Lead minerals 110 Mannsfeld ores 273 Melanteria 573 Mineral Kingdom 1 Misv 573 Molybdaena 476 Native metals 108 Petroleum 581 Pompholv 114; 278 Pyrites 112 Quicksilver 110 Rudis minerals 108 Sal-ammoniac 560 Silver glance 109 Sory 573 Spodos 114 Stannum 473 Stones which easily melt 380 Sulphur 578 Tophus 233 Touchstone 253 White schist 234 Zinc 409

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