Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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All which Operations might be brought to perfection with
150. thouſand Crowns, well and faithfully laid out; which ſumm
the Bologneſi will not be unwilling to provide; beſides that thoſe
Ferrareſi ought to contribute to it, who ſhall partake of the
Let me be permitted in this place to propoſe a thing which I
have thought of, and which peradventure might occaſion two
benefits at once, although it be not wholly new.
It was in the
time of Pope Paul V. propounded by one Creſcenzio an Ingi­
neer, to cut the Main-Po, above le Papozze; and having made a
ſufficient evacuation to derive the water thereof into the Po of
Adriano, and ſo to procure it to be Navigable, which was not at
that time effected, either by reaſon of the oppoſitions of thoſe,
whoſe poſſeſſions were to be cut thorow, or by reaſon of the
great ſum of money that was neceſſary for the effecting of it: But
in viewing thoſe Rivers, we have obſerved, that the ſedge cutting
might eaſily be made below le Papozze, in digging thorow the
Bank called Santa Maria, & drawing a Trench of the bigneſs that
skilful Artiſts ſhall judge meet unto the Po ^{*} of Ariano, below the

Secche of the ſaid S. Maria; which as being a work of not
above 160. Perches in length, would be finiſhed with onely
12000. Crowns.
* Of Adriano.
Firſt; it is to be believed, that the waters running that way,
would not fail to open that Mouth into the Sea, which at pre­
ſent is almoſt choakt up by the Shelf of Sand, which the new
Mouth of Ponto Virro hath brought thither; and that it would
again bring into uſe the Port Goro, and its Navigation.
And haply experience might teach us, that the ſuperficies of
Po might come to fall by this aſſwagement of Water, ſo that the
acceſſion of Reno would queſtionleſs make no riſing in it:
Whereupon, if it ſhould ſo fall out, thoſe Princes would have
no reaſon to complain; who ſeem to queſtion, leſt by this new
acceſſion of water into Po, the Sluices might be endangered.
Which I thought not fit to omit to repreſent to your Lordſhip;
not, that I propoſe it to you as a thing abſolutely certain, but that
you might, if you ſo pleaſed, lay it before perſons whoſe judge­
ments are approved in theſe affairs.
I return now from where I degreſt, and affirm it as indubita­
ble, that Reno neither can, nor ought to continue longer where
it at this day is; and that it cannot go into any other place but
that, whither Cardinal Capponi deſigned to carry it, and which
at preſent pleaſeth me better than any other; or into Volana,
whence it was taken away; the vigilance of Men being able to
obviate part of thoſe miſchiefs, which it may do there.
But from its Removal, beſides the alleviation of the harm

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