Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 101]
[Figure 102]
[Figure 103]
[Figure 104]
[Figure 105]
[Figure 106]
[Figure 107]
[Figure 108]
[Figure 109]
[Figure 110]
[Figure 111]
[Figure 112]
[Figure 113]
[Figure 114]
[Figure 115]
[Figure 116]
[Figure 117]
[Figure 118]
[Figure 119]
[Figure 120]
[Figure 121]
[Figure 122]
[Figure 123]
[Figure 124]
[Figure 125]
[Figure 126]
[Figure 127]
[Figure 128]
[Figure 129]
[Figure 130]
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1 QUICKSILVER DISTILLATION. 427; 429; 430; 431; 432 RAG AND CHAIN PUMPS 191; 193; 194; 195; 197 RAMMERS FOR FIRE-CLAY 377; 383 RING-FIRE, FOR PARTING WITH SULPHUR 449 ROASTING (see also Heap and Stall Roasting) 278; 350; 351; 274; 275; 276 ROSETTE COPPER MAKING 537 SALT. Boiling 549; 554; 555 Caldron 551; 553 Evaporated on faggots 556 Pans 547 Wells 549 SALTPETRE MAKING 563 SAXON LEAD FURNACE 393 SCORIFIER 229 SEAMS IN THE ROCKS 54; 55; 56; 60; 72 SHAFTS. Inclined 104 Timbering 123 Vertical 103; 105 SHEARS FOR CUTTING METAL 269 SHIELD FOR MUFFLE FURNACE 241 SIFTING ORE 287; 288; 289; 291; 292; 293; 311; 342 SILVER. Cakes, Cleansing of 476; 488 Refining 484; 485; 486; 489 SLEIGH FOR ORE 168 SLUICING TIN 337; 338; 340; 343 SMELTER, PLAN OF BUILDING 361 SODA MAKING 561 SORTING ORE 268; 270 SPALLING ORE 270; 271; 272 STALL ROASTING. Matte 350; 351 Ore 274; 276 STAMP-MILL 284; 286; 287; 299; 313; 320; 321; 373 For breaking copper cakes 501 STAMPS 285 STEEL FURNACE 425 STRAKE 302; 303; 305; 304; 307; 341; 342; 345 Canvas 303; 309; 317; 321; 329 STREAMING FOR TIN 318 STRINGERS. Associated 71 Fibra dilatata 71 Fibra incumbens 71 Oblique 71 Transverse 71 SURVEYING. Rods 138A Shafts and Tunnels 131 Triangles 133; 134; 135; 136; 137; 139; 140 SUCTION PUMPS (see Pumps). SULPHUR MAKING 579; 581 TAP-HOLES IN FURNACES 389 TAPPING-BAR 383; 385 “TESTS” FOR REFINING SILVER 384; 485 TIMBERING. Shafts 123 Tunnels 125 TIN. Bars 415 Burning 349 Refining 418 Smelting 415; 419 TOUCH-NEEDLES 255 TRAYS FOR WASHING ALLUVIAL 334 TREAD WHIM 163 TROUGH 159 For washing alluvial 335; 348 TRUCKS 156 TUNNELS 103; 104; 105; 120 Timbering 125 VEINS. Barren 73 Beginning of 69 Cavernous 73 Curved 61 End of 69 Head of 69 Horizontal 61 Intersections of 64; 65; 66; 67; 68 Solid 73 Strike of 62; 63 Vena cumulata 49; 70 Vena dilatata 45; 50; 54; 60; 61; 68; 69 Vena profunda 45; 50; 53; 61; 62; 63; 64; 68 VENTILATING WITH DAMP CLOTH (see also Bellows, Fans, and Wind-sails) 212 VITRIOL MAKING 567; 574; 575; 576; 577 WAGONS, FOR HAULING ORE 170 WASHING ORE (see Sifting Ore). WATER TANKS, UNDER FURNACES 358 WEDGES 150 WEIGHTS, FOR ASSAY BALANCES 262 WESTPHALIAN LEAD SMELTING 393 WHEELBARROWS 155 WHIMS. Horse 165; 167 Tread 163 WINDLASSES 161; 162; 171 WINDS, DIRECTION OF 59 WINDSAILS FOR VENTILATION 201; 202; 203

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